Chapter 8

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Maddie had no idea what time it was when she was jarred awake. It was still mostly dark outside so she surmised it was some time in the very early morning. She had tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep and now, as she had finally drifted off, somebody was insisting on waking her.

She groaned into her pillow as she again heard the knock that was stirring her from her slumber. Tossing back her quilt, she pulled herself out of bed; begrudgingly going to the door. And when she pulled it open, she truly wished she had taken the time to at least run her hands through her hair.

"Harry?" Her voice cracked.

"Good Morning," he smiled softly, slightly nervous. He, on the other hand, was wide awake a ready for the day.

"Harry?" Her eyes squinted as she pulled her robe tighter. "It's...early and I haven't been able to sleep all night. What are you...what are you doing here?"

"I am sorry about the time," he looked down sheepishly, his hand clasped together in front of him; fidgeting. "But I am working on a tight schedule today and I thought... Well, this may be incredibly presumptive of me, but..." He took a breath. "If you could go put on something comfortable, something you can walk're coming with me."

"What?" She laughed. "I'm sorry but...what?" Harry grinned. At least she hadn't slammed the door in his face. Emboldened by that, and his now nearly undeniable feelings, he continued.

"I know you don't have to go to work today. Khenda told me you have the day off and I thought..." He stopped, refocused and gestured for her to go back into her room. "There's something I want to show you, but you need to change first."

"First," Maddie folded her arms across her chest. "You should know that I detest being told what to do."

"Let me rephrase," Harry arched an eyebrow and lowered his voice, knowingly moving into the more persuasive version of himself. "Madeline, there is something I would really like to show you. Today is my last day in Bendal and I would greatly appreciate it if you would please go put on some comfortable clothes and join me in this one, small, request." His eyes sparkled and she knew; he was trouble.

"Niiice," she shook her head slowly. "I'm not entirely sure what to say to that."

"Say nothing," he shrugged. "Change." And, because she did have the day off and she did not want to sit around and wallow; she did as he had requested. Maddie changed quickly, left a note for Ella and then, nodding a hello to his security team, she slipped into the car with Harry.


Though Maddie had been bold in stepping out with him that early morning, her nerves started to dwindle. As they drove through town, further and further out, she grew increasingly anxious and unsure. The ride was a quiet one; full of small, sidelong glances. And when they finally came to a stop, far out towards the edge of the valley, she turned to him, question in her eyes.

"Your highness?" Her voice was soft as she addressed him.

"Doctor?" He chuckled.

"What are we doing here?"

"We're hiking," he grinned before he stepped out of the car.

"We're what?" Stunned, Maddie turned towards her already opened door and exited. "Thank you," she smiled to the man who closed the door behind her. "Hold on. We're what?"

"We're hiking," he nodded toward the trailhead as he took a backpack the driver had retrieved from the trunk of the car.

"I'm sorry, let me understand this," Maddie watched as he pulled on the bag. "You woke me up early, on my day off, to bring me...hiking."

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