Chapter 15

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His hands were slow as they traveled over her shoulder to her arm; rubbing up and down in a soothing fashion. "I just...tonight, with the reporter, I couldn't throw you into all of that without at least talking to you first. If I could, I would keep you away from it forever. Though I'm not entirely sure how that would be possible given how very much I enjoy this..." He wrapped his arms around her protectively; nuzzling his nose to hers.

"Me too," she moved slightly; capturing his lips with hers. Sighing, she settled even closer to him. "Harry?"

"Hmmm?" He lifted his eyebrows; the casual smile on his face warming the room.

"I can take it." His eyes blinked at her words, at the certainty he saw in her smile.

"You don't have to decide right now," he shook his head. "You can have as much time as you like..."

"I don't need time." She laughed as she brushed it off. "I am tired of waiting and wondering and overthinking things. And I'm not afraid of them; of this." She glanced over at the magazines lined up. "They can question my paternity. They can assume the worst about me. They can call me names. They can call me fat. They can make me cry. They can pick apart my clothes and my hair and my education and my citizenship and..." She pulled from him slightly, wanting him to really see that she meant it. "And I don't care because, really...I know that you really only started kissing me but it's been months since I've's really not that difficult."

"What's not that difficult?" He blinked.

"Loving you..." She seemed suddenly shy as she confessed; all of her confusion had left her heart and she was absolutely clear. She was done being wishy washy and unsure. She was done trying to let her head talk her heart out of this particular emotion. She felt how she felt and if he could admit it, so could she. "If anything I would say it's damn near impossible not to."

"Careful..." He warned, sucking in a shaky breath. "There's no turning back once you throw that out there. I'm not joking around here. You can say no and walk away and...I'll understand. And I won't be angry and I will always, always care about you." His eyes grew sad at the thought, but he forced a smile.

"I don't think you're hearing what I'm saying to you," Maddie sighed and moved to the table. With her good arm, she stuffed the magazines back into the bag before dropping it onto the floor. With a satisfied grin, she turned to look at him. "I hope you meant what you said earlier, about loving me...because, scandalous headlines or not, I'm not going anywhere."

"No?" He felt a tug at his heart.

"Not a chance."

"And to think...when I walked in here, you had every intention of throwing me out," he eyed her playfully. "What changed your mind?"

"Well," she shrugged. "You are the Crown Prince and all..."

"Ha!" He laughed; tugging on her chin with his fingertips; the reunion of their lips seconds behind him.

"Wait," she pulled back. "Aren't you supposed to be at the party?"

"No," he shook his head. "I made my speech, did the rounds. I'm a free man."

"But...What happened to your reporter, how did you lose him?"

"I had a little help," Maddie raised her eyes in question, to which he answered, "Ella."

"Ella..." She grinned as she thought of her best friend. "She's wonderful."

"She is," he nodded. "Though, if you wanted to go back down and let everyone in on our little secret, we could certainly make an announcement. I'm sure Harold would appreciate the exclusive."

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