Chapter 172

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So much had happened in those first few months of Lilli's life. Slowly the world began to learn more about her. The reaction to her name was mixed though most of the world sided on the lines of a touching tribute. The reaction to her first pictures was far from mixed. Though most of the world had seen the quick snapshot Harry had taken with him to the Invictus Games, when the first photos of the family were released, the world seemed to eat them up.

Maddie had called on Andrew Bradley, the photo-journalist who had taken in the trek to the North Pole with her, to come to their home to do the honors. After he had chosen not to capitalize on Maddie's reunion with her soldier husband, she had decided that she trusted him. So when Thomas asked if they had anyone in mind, Maddie was quick to answer and as usual, Harry was in easy agreement. So he had come to Kensington Palace where he had lunch and drinks, where he met the new little Princess and caught up with the couple. And when he left, he had taken many photos that Maddie and Harry would print for themselves. Along with one adorable shot of the new family that they would share with everyone else.

And the world fell deeper in love with the tiny red-headed baby girl in her late grandmother's dress and the parents who clearly adored her.

As time went on inside the Sussex household, as Lilli began to settle into her new home, into a new routine that--thankfully--included longer spells of sleep, Maddie and Harry began to settle into their new roles and all of the stumbles and bumbles that came with them.

Harry struggled when it was time for him to return to royal duties. He had managed to hold them off for a long while, postponing his return to public life at least twice. But eventually he ran out of passes and it was time for him to head back out. Though it helped that he was on his way to an event that benefited Sentebale, it didn't help that while he dressed and readied for it, his wife and his daughter were cuddled up in their bed, smiling up at him as he moved about the room.

"Ohhhhh look Miss Lilli," Maddie's smile was as warm as her voice as she spoke to her daughter. "Look how handsome daddy is."

"Maddie," Harry groaned, his eyes finding hers in the mirror as he finished the buttons on his crisp white shirt.

"He looks very handsome doesn't he," Maddie winked at Harry and smiled down at Lilli who cooed in her arms. "This is one of mommy's favorite you like it little one?" When Lillie responded with her own little gurgle, both of her parents melted.

"Okay that's it," Harry turned away from the mirror, finishing up the button on his sleeve as he moved over to the bed, his hands reaching out to scoop Lilli up from his wife. "Hi there Lilli-bean," his entire face lit up as he lifted her up into his arms.

"Careful," Maddie warned, beaming up at them. "I fed her not too long ago and she may very well ruin that clean white shirt."

"I don't care," Harry shook his head, his fingers tickling and teasing her stomach, her legs kicking in response. "I have a hundred of them in the closet."

"A hundred?" Maddie chuckled, her knees pulling up towards her chest, her arms wrapping around her legs as she watched Harry with Lilli.

"Well more than one," he narrowed his gaze on his wife for only a moment before his smile cracked through. "You know I hate leaving you two. I absolutely detest it."

"I know it," Maddie nodded. "But it will only be a few hours and Lilli will be asleep through most of it."

"I know," he sighed, bending to kiss her soft hair, taking in the sweet smell of her before he turned back to Maddie. "I just wish I could have a little more time."

"I know you do Captain," Maddie's hands rubbed his arms before she took their tiny little baby back from him. "And we wish you could crawl back into bed with us too, don't we Lilli."

With a shake of his head, Harry pulled himself from his girls and back to his preparations. "I knew this would be difficult. I just hadn't realized just how difficult."

"I don't even want to think about what it's going to be like," Maddie shook her head as she smiled down at Lilli. "No I don't." Looking up to Harry then, she asked. "Speaking of that...when exactly is it that I'm expected to go back out?"

"When are you expected?" Harry lifted his eyebrows as he pulled on his suit coat. "You aren't."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...." He fixed the collar on the coat, turning back around to face her. "I mean that nobody has a time expectation for you. You can take as long as you like; two months, six, ten...a few years..." He shrugged and pulled at his sleeves. "You decide when you go back."

"Really?" Maddie's forehead creased. "Are you sure about that?"

"Of course I'm sure about that," his tone was a bit haughty; certain. "What good is...all of this if my wife can't stay home with our daughter for just as long as she wants..." With a smug smirk on his face, he bent to kiss her. "You tell Thomas when you're ready to go back."

"What if I'm never ready to go back," her eyes slipped flirty as she kissed him again. "What if I want to stay home and have baby after baby after..." Harry's lips drew her words to quiet, grinning proudly as he kissed her over and over again.

"That's the dream Madeline," he kissed her once more before pulling back. His hand smoothed over Lilli's hair as he bent to kiss her. "You be good for mum while I'm out Lilli-bean..." He laughed as she kicked her legs, as she squirmed in Maddie's arms. "I'll be back very soon." He turned his lips back to Maddie's. "I love you...both of you..." With one more kiss for each of them, he stood back, taking a few steps towards the door.

"Bye daddy," Maddie called after him. "We'll miss you..."

And when he reached the door to their room, he turned back to wave, to take in the scene just once more. And the sight of them, of his girls, cuddled up in their bed--it made his heart ache to leave them. Pressing one had to his chest, he waved at them with the other and then, regrettably, he slipped from the room and went off to his event.

While he was out, Harry was bombarded with questions about Lilli and Maddie, overwhelmed by the outpouring of congratulations and loaded up with all sorts of stuffed items to take home to his daughter. In the end, the night was a great success and he was quite happy that he had finally stepped back out, that he was there for the event. But when he finally made it home, when he peeked in on his daughter as she slept, when he gently kissed his wife as she slept, he was fairly certain that leaving them was never going to get easy. But that was the price he gladly paid to have this to come home to.


Maddie's adjustments were more personal, her struggles more intimate in nature. As Lilli grew bigger, as the time passed since she had been born, Maddie was slowly gaining her body back. It was hard at first, to feel so out of place, to feel so out of sorts. Nothing really seemed to fit. Her maternity clothes quickly became too big while her pre-baby clothes were still too tight. And even as her weight began to return to normal, her body was different, softer.

But that wasn't the source of her struggle. She knew that her body would return and that even if it didn't, she would be okay with that. As she became more active, as she began to eat normally again, she felt more and more herself--even when she suggested to Harry that she might call up her former trainer and begin running again. Her husband had found no small amount of humor in that.

The truly difficult moment for Maddie came when Lilli was about five weeks old. After two nights of breast soreness and one frustrated night of nursing, Harry insisted Maddie go in and, in her sleepless upset, she had gone. And though the doctor had answers for her, they weren't quite the answers she wanted and when she returned home, her face was sad and her eyes welled with tears and when Harry pressed, she let out a frustrated puff of air and rolled her teary eyes.

"My milk is drying up," she hated that it made her want to cry, that it made her voice crack. "Apparently it's something that happens..." She wiped at her eyes and took a deep breath. "I can't nurse Lilli anymore..." She tried to shake it off, tried to make the tears stop. "And I know it's ridiculous for me to cry right now and that you probably think I'm being silly and I know that it's not that big of a deal but...but I wanted to be able to feed her longer and...I...I hate that I won't be able to and before you make fun of me..."

"Shhh," Harry shook his head, reaching for her, pulling her to him. "I'm not going to make fun of you. I swear it. Come here..." He hugged her close, keeping any inch of a smile from his face. "I'm sorry love. I'm sorry." And he didn't make fun, not even a little bit. He held her while she cried, kissed her while she sniffed away her tears and that night, when they readied for bed, he flashed her that cheeky grin of hers and offered her the possibility of her first full night of sleep since Lilli had been born.

"Think about it...I can get up with her and you can stay in bed..." He was cautious as he held out the offer. "It's the one silver lining of it entire night of sleep..." He wagged his eyebrows. "What do you say love?"

And because she was physically tired, because she felt emotionally exhausted, she bit her lip and nodded. "Yes." If he was willing to try it, she was too. So that night she climbed into their bed and she kissed him goodnight and she closed her eyes with every intention of letting Harry take complete care of Lilli while she slept until morning.

And she did. When Lilli woke at ten, she felt Harry slip from bed. When she woke at one, she turned over on her pillow as he tended to her. But when she cried out at four, Maddie who had had more sleep that night than she had in weeks, was awake. And when she turned to look at Harry, when she saw his mess of red hair, his tired eyes, and his warm smile as he told her to go back to sleep, she couldn't ignore the pull in her heart.

"Harry..." Her voice was soft, her hand warm on his arm as she sat up. "Let me."

"You sure?" His eyebrows lifted, his body poised and ready to go.

"Mmmm," she nodded, her fingers smoothing over his arm as she leaned to kiss his shoulder. "Thank you for tonight..." She kissed his cheek. "But I'll go now...I want to."

With her robe wrapped tight around her, she padded down the hallway to Lilli's room. After changing her and warming a bottle, Maddie sank into the rocking chair and, snuggling Lilli close, she brought a bottle to her lips and when she began to drink, Maddie felt a release of tension roll from her shoulders.

And she felt tears spring to her eyes. Maybe she wasn't nursing, maybe it wasn't exactly as she had hoped it would be, but she was absolutely feeding her daughter and it was just as warm and wonderful and sweet as it had been before. Pressing a kiss to Lilli's head, she breathed relief and she smiled. "There there, love...Mommy's here."

As Lilli sucked on the bottle, her little eyes drifted closed and Maddie's heart swelled. And all at once she felt silly and happy and thankful. She had this perfect little baby and this amazingly wonderful husband asleep down the hall. And that, above all else, was what was important.

"Can I just say..." Maddie called out to Harry as she breezed back into Lilli's nursery from their bedroom. "Inviting the Bishops over for dinner was an excellent suggestion."

"Yeah?" Harry glanced up at her as he finished changing Lilli, scooping her up into his arms.

"Yeah," Maddie sighed with an easy smile. "I took a shower--a long shower. I did my hair and my makeup and I put on real clothes and..." Her train of thought paused as she stopped in front of him. "Wow..."

"What?" His expression shifted quizzical.

"I was just thinking..." While one of her hands reached to tickle Lilli, her other ran up Harry's arm. "You must miss this version of me."

"Which version is that?" Harry lifted his eyebrows with a light chuckle.

"The showered version," Maddie laughed. "The clean version. The dressed and made up version." She shook her head and sighed. "I know I haven't been as put together as I used to be and here I am getting dressed up for Bishop and Ella and you've had to see the me covered in drool and spit up."

"Ha!" Harry's laugh was loud, causing Lilli to blink and look up at him. "You're Mum is crazy Lilli-Bean..." He leaned a little closer, his voice lowering to a bit of a whisper. "She's beautiful but she's crazy." Lifting his smile to Maddie, he nodded his head for her to lean in. "Come here..."

Moving in closer, she watched him with narrowed eyes but when he kissed her, longer and deeper than they had kissed in a little while, she felt her body warm. "Mmmm..." She smiled against his lips. "What was that for?"

"For every single version of you..." He kissed her again. "Makeup, drool, sweats and heels..."

"That's quite an image," Maddie rolled her eyes, her cheeks turning pink.

"Come on," he kissed her once more before pulling back. "I love you."

"I love you too," she took a deep breath and reached for Lilli. "Okay little miss...why don't you come to mommy so daddy can go change his shirt."

"You don't like my shirt?" Harry's eyebrows lifted.

"I do," she nodded. "But you have some formula on it."

"Yeah?" He looked down and laughed, moving towards the door. "How do you feel about this version of me?"

"Ha..." Maddie laughed, watching him walk away. "I think it's my favorite."

"Yeah, yeah," Harry shook his head, pulling his shirt off as he made his way back to their room as the doorbell rang out.

"Okay Miss Lilli," Maddie hugged her close. "The Bishops are here. Are you excited?" As if on cue, Lilli cooed and kicked her feet, bringing laughter to Maddie's lips. "I feel the same way little one. The same way."


"My God," Bishop shook his head as he stared down at Lilli who was snuggled up on her blanket, stretched out in his lap. "She's already grown so much!"

"I know it," Maddie nodded in agreement. "She's been making all these faces lately..."

"Just at Harry?" Bishop wagged his eyebrows at his best friend, his index fingers wrapped up in Lilli's tiny little hands.

"She likes it when I sing to her," Harry grinned.

"Who doesn't," Bishop laughed, turning wide, smiling eyes back down at Lilli as Maddie snickered.

"Oh-kay..." Ella's voice called out as she returned from the kitchen moving slowly as Buckie toddled along with her. "The champagne is open..." She smiled down at her son. "And Buckie thought we should bring along this hand towel."

With a wide, one-toothed grin, Buckie ambled into the room waving a white towel in his hand. Making his way to Harry who happened to be the closest, he reached out to the couch. "Hey there!" Harry leaned over to look at the little boy. "What do you have there little man?" With a sweet giggle, Buckie waved the towel more enthusiastically, bringing laughter to the room. "Is that towel for me?"

"No!" Buckie called out with another giggle. "No! No! No!"

"Ha!" Harry clapped his hands. "He sure knows how to say that."

"He hears it from his mum all the time," Bishop teased as he looked up at his wife.

"Cause he's so much like his father," Ella winked as she leaned to kiss him before turning her smile to Maddie. "Okay my friend. It's time for some champagne."

"Oh wow..." Maddie sighed into a soft laugh. "I don't know. Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've had a drink?"

"About nine months..." Ella shrugged. "And six weeks. Here." She held out a glass. "It's long overdue."

"Ha!" Maddie laughed, taking the glass even with leery eyes. "I don't know. Lilli's still waking up every three hours and..."

"And her father isn't so bad at the bottle thing..." Harry cut in, warm and loving as he looked to his wife. "Have a drink, love. In fact, have several. I'll take care of Lilli tonight."

"I don't know..." Maddie shook her head, her lips curling up in a grin.

"Yes you do," Ella sighed, sinking onto the couch next to Maddie with her own glass. "Come on Mum. Let the boys take care of the babies. Let's you and I have a drink."

"Or several?" Maddie lifted her eyebrows and then her glass.

"Or several," Ella nodded, her smile pulling even higher, clinking her glass to Maddie's before they both took a drink.

"Oh wow..." Maddie laughed, leaning back into the cushions of the couch. "That tastes amazing...I think I just might have several."

"That's my girl," Harry winked at her before turning his attention down at Buckie who was smacking his hand against Harry's knee. "And what can I do for you?"

"Up!" He called out, hitting his hand on Harry's knee again. "Up!"

"So demanding..." Harry laughed as he lifted Buckie up from the floor, bringing him right into his lap.

"So much like his mum," Bishop tossed out.

"You know," Ella took a sip. "If you weren't holding that precious little girl, I would throw this pillow at your head."

"Ah yes," Bishop nodded, smiling down at Lilli. "And you...just like your father...are saving me from bodily injury inflicted by only the most beautiful of women..."

Maddie snickered into her glass. "Jesus, Bishop. I've missed you."

"Yeah?" He flashed his grin up to her. "Keep on drinking love."

"Oh my God..." Maddie's voice drew out the words, her smile wide and lazy as she looked at Buckie, snuggled up on his dad's shoulder as the Bishops prepared to leave later that night. "He's so freaking cute." Her cheeks were pink from the bottle of champagne she and Ella had finished.

"Easy," Bishop teased in a quiet voice, not wanting to wake his sleeping son. "I'm married."

"Ha!" Maddie's hand muffled the sound of her snicker. "I was not talking about you."

"Well you can never really be sure," Bishop winked at her as he helped Ella drape a blanket over Buckie.

"Yes you can," Harry narrowed his eyes at his best friend.

"Alright..." Ella sighed, happy with the way Buckie was tucked under the blanket, running her hands through her hair as she reached for her jacket. "I think we're good."

"Just look at him," Maddie nudged Harry in the side. "All curled up with that hand towel..." Her cheeks hurt from grinning.

"Ha ha ha..." Ella laughed along with her best friend, trying to keep her own tipsy laughter underwraps. "I'm sorry about that. He just couldn't seem to let it go."

"No worries," Maddie shook her head, her head tipping to the side to take one last peek at the little boy.

"I'll wash it and return it," Ella mimicked Maddie, her eyes full of love as she looked at her son, at her husband.

"He can keep it," Maddie shook her head. "Consider it a trade...for getting me tipsy tonight." She turned to Ella with soft eyes. "Thank you for getting me tipsy tonight."

"Ah honey," Ella grinned, opening her arms and waving Maddie into them. "I'll get your sweet ass tipsy any night." And the way Ella said the words, the soft twang that she added to her voice, made Maddie giggle--which, in turn, made Ella giggle.

Which made Harry roll his eyes in only the sweetest, mocking way. Pointing his thumb at the two girls, wrapped up in each other's arms as they giggled and said their good-byes, Harry lifted his eyebrows to Bishop, "Are we ever like this?"

"No way," Bishop shook his head. "We've never been this good looking."

"True," Harry agreed, amused and content at the easy way his wife was smiling, the way she was relaxing.

"Okay," Ella finally pulled back, kissing Maddie's cheek. "We should get this guy home, get him to bed."

"Now you're talking," Bishop grinned, leaning to kiss Maddie's cheek, saying his good-bye to Harry. After one more round of hugs, after another expression of thanks, the Bishops promised to have the Sussex's over for dinner in a couple of weeks and then, with sleeping Buckie held close and tight in his father's arms, they slipped out the door and on their way home.

Harry shut the door behind their friends and turned a wide, easy smile to his wife who was leaning back against the wall, her tipsy smile lighting up her face. "You had a good time tonight?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"I had a great time tonight," she nodded. "Thank you for inviting them over." She took a deep breath and nodded her head towards the stairs. "And thank you for looking out for Lilli tonight."

"You're welcome," he moved towards her, standing tall in front of her as he bent to kiss her. "Speaking of Lilli...I'm going to go check on her. Do you want to finish that bottle of champagne? It looked like there was just about a glass left in it."

"Do I dare?" Maddie giggled.

"Might as well," Harry shrugged, kissing her again before he pulled back. "Go on. I'll be right back."

"Okay," Maddie sighed, watching him walk away from her. "Bring back the monitor..."

"Got it," he called back to her before taking to the stairs. With a deep breath Maddie turned from the room and made her way to the kitchen, intent on finishing off the bottle.

And that's just where Harry found her, in the middle of their kitchen, leaning against the island as she finished her drink, as she looked out at the mess left behind by their dinner with their friends; plates in the sink, empty champagne glasses, Lilli's freshly cleaned bottles drying on the counter. When she heard him enter the room, her eyes and her smile lifted up to him.

"How is she?" Maddie asked.

"Perfect," Harry answered without hesitation and Maddie couldn't help but be taken by just how in love with their daughter he was. "She's passed completely out...just as I'm sure her mother is going to be very soon."

"Ha, ha," Maddie rolled her eyes, watching him as he sat the monitor on the counter next to her, moving to stand in front of her. "Thank you for checking on her."

"Of course," he nodded, grinning as he looked down at her, at her empty glass. "Would you like me to open another bottle?"

"No, no," Maddie shook her head, setting the glass down behind her. "I've had enough for tonight."

"Mmm..." He nodded in a non-committal way, loving the smile on her face, loving the warmth in her eyes.

"Hey Harry..." She turned her eyes up to him, her fingers reaching out towards him, landing on the soft fabric over his stomach.

"Hmm?" He noticed the look in her eyes, the flush to her skin.

Without answering, without so much as a word, her fingers wrapped around his shirt and tugged him closer. With a grin and no need for further direction, Harry dipped his head and brought his lips to hers.

And Maddie sighed into his mouth, she leaned into his body, and it felt glorious. As Harry's mouth opened over hers, as his hands moved easily on either side of her, she felt amazing. She felt warm and excited and alive.

Her hands moved up his chest and over his shoulders before her arms wound around his neck and drew him closer. And he went. Leaving the counter behind her, his hands moved to body, wrapping tight around her as the heat between them spiked.

With a breath that was deep and heavy and collective, they moved together; their bodies pressing close, their mouths opening wider, their tongues teasing and dancing and it had been so long since she had felt like this. It had been so long since she had felt these feelings stir, since she had felt this heat pulse through her body.

She wanted him and, from the way he was pressed against her, from the way he was kissing her, the way he was holding her, she knew that he wanted her too.

"Harry..." She breathed into his mouth, her hands moving up into his hair.

"God Maddie..." He groaned, his hands running over her greedily, taking in the curves of her hips, the shape of her waist, and daring to rise to her chest, already aching for him to touch her.

"Mmmm..." She moaned, her head tipping back as his palm rounded over her breast, his lips kissing hotly at her exposed neck.

"You feel amazing," Harry spoke against her skin, trying his damnedest to bring his mind back, to get his body under control.

"My God," she laughed, her fingers squeezing in his hair, tugging at the wild strands as she bit at her lip. "Do you have any idea how much I want you right now?"

"Ha..." Harry shook his head, taking a deep breath and trying to put some distance between them. "How much longer before you can have me?"

"I have my appointment next week," she nodded her head, taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself.

"Thank God," he groaned with a grin, reaching out to smooth her hair from her face. "Care to join me in a week of cold showers?"

"Ha!" Maddie laughed louder. "Absolutely." She nodded, her eyes raking over him as her hands moved down his chest, over his stomach. "Or..." She grinned, her eyebrows wagging.

"Or?" Harry was confused.

"Or..." Maddie's smile turned cheeky, her fingers reaching the band on his jeans and tugging. "Or maybe I could..." As her tongue tipped out to wet her lips, her finger ran down over the bulge in his pants. And then, holding his gaze, she began to move down.

Though Harry groaned, though he felt his blood heat up, he reached out to her, his hands wrapping around her arms, stopping her in her journey to her knees. "Hold on..."

"Hold on?" Maddie's eyes narrowed in confusion, a light laugh bubbling from her lips. "Don't tell me you no longer like..."

"Oh no," he shook his head. "I do...very much." He laughed and took a deep breath. "But there's no way that the first time we're...intimate...after Lilli is going to be with you on your knees in the kitchen."


"Come on," Harry chuckled, kissing the pout on her face. "Let's go to bed. You're going to need to sleep off this hangover."

"Maybe I won't have a hangover," she sighed as Harry took her hand, pulling her with him out of the kitchen.

"I don't know if you're that lucky love," Harry tossed a grin back at her.

"Well I landed you..." She giggled, tugging on his fingers. "I must be pretty damned lucky."

"Alright," Harry laughed, rolling his eyes. "I think you spent way too much time with Bishop this evening."

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