Chapter 78

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One thing Maddie had failed to remember on their way to Clarence for the small family dinner was that this was The Royal Family. A small family dinner did not mean Harry's immediate family gathered around a table serving themselves from their favorite meal—she couldn't believe she had let herself entertain that idea for even a second. What a small family dinner meant in this new world was Harry's immediate family eating an impeccable meal served on fine china with crystal glasses and shiny silver. This was no casual dinner. This was how you were welcomed into The Family.

When they stepped through the door of Clarence House, visibly relaxed and holding hands, Maddie was surprised by their reception. There they all were; waiting for them. Charles and Camilla, William and Kate—just stepping into the entryway as Maddie and Harry cleared the threshold. And when Charles greeted them with a wide grin and began applauding, the others followed suit; clapping with bright smiles and a few hoots. Maddie was certain her cheeks were flushed, showing her embarrassment, her surprise. And when Harry dropped her hand in order to join in on the applause, she shook her head at him—biting back a few choice words for leaving her to take the lauding on her own.

She would later learn that this is what they did now; this is how they celebrated what had just occurred. Nobody in the world understood like the people in this room what it was like to sit before those cameras and answer those questions. Nobody in the world understood like they did what it was going to feel like the next day and the day after that when the world began to probe into their relationship, their lives. They knew it was a big day, a big step and though much of what came with it was intrusive and overwhelming, they had decided years ago to try to make the transition as special as they possibly could.

Maddie laughed at herself as she was pulled into the room; all four of them moving at once to hug her, to congratulate her, to kiss her cheeks and compliment her on a job well done. William, hugging her close and calling her sister before turning to congratulate Harry on his unspeakable luck. Kate, squeezing her hands, asking about the ring, the proposal, wondering when they could get together with a bottle of champagne and share the details. Camilla, her warm smile making her eyes sparkle as she hugged Maddie to her, offering her support, her guidance—anything Maddie needed. And finally, Charles—Maddie wondered if it were possible for a father to look more proud of a son as he pulled the both of them to him at once, celebrating the expansion of his family once again.

The dinner was perfect—even if it was fancier than some weddings Maddie had attended. They talked about the interview; impressed with her ease in front of the camera. They talked about wedding plans—though they hadn't even begun to think about it. They asked about Botswana, about their trip. They talked about Maddie's family, how Charles had spoken to her mother that afternoon just before the interview, how Maddie had called her cousins during the down time between the interview and dinner. She could feel the love around the table; the welcoming aura in the room. Despite the silver, the china, the crystal—despite the titles and the stylings—this was her new family and they were making every effort to make her feel welcome and supported...and loved.

Following dinner, there was dessert. Following dessert, there was champagne. Charles rose to his feet and welcomed his new daughter to the family—to which they all drank happily. Following champagne, there were after dinner drinks in the study. As Maddie sat next to Harry on the small couch, his arm draped lazily behind her, she felt warm, content; at peace. The hard part of the day had passed. She had made it through the interview. She had spoken to her mother for a while, received calls of love and warm wishes from her cousins, her grandmother, her uncle. All of them made her smile widen, all of them drew tears to her eyes. She just assumed that was her new state of being—wide smile and teary eyes. And now Harry's family was embracing her as one of them.

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