Goodbye my love

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Guess who's back.... back  back back again! I just want to say thank you for staying with me. Also my wedding will be on September 24
!!! Im so pumped to get married> okay now for what you been waiting for.

I open my eyes trying to fight the darkness,the smell of death filled the dark cold room. I look to my right and see water dripping down from the window, I try to reach out to be pulled back by hand cuffs. I try breaking them but fail several  times. I don't know how I got here or how long i have been in here... Nick that crazy chick. I try to yell but nothing would come out. I glance at the window to see that day was about to fall, hopefully someone will come help me out of this place. Soon the darkness finds me again.


" Wake up..." Someone yells at me as they pull me off the dirty floor. I look up to be met by a pair of brown eyes I fell in love with. However his eyes didn't hold love in them but hate, "Nick?" i whispers out. He looks taken back and the jerks me up by my neck. " How do you know my name?" his voice was deadly and cold towards me. My heart broke into billion little pieces, he didn't remember me.

" Nick its me, Kat. Im your mate?" He then bangs my head into the stone wall, " you're not my mate. Don't ever say that again." he drops me knocking me out here we go again.


Its been five days in this hell hole. Nick would come in and do torturous things to me trying to get me to break. However I don't let him get to me, Maybe just maybe one day he will snap out of it and remember.

I look out the window and tried to forget the pain running though my body. I see the sun is about to set so he will be in here in one... two.... " Get up!" Nick yells cause me to wince back. He pulls a chair out and I watch him pull different things outs. He pulls me up ruefully and places me in a chair. I look down at him and wait for the pain . He take out a needle and a small jar... wolf bland. " You don't need that.." I woke softly this is the first time I have spoke in a while. He looks wild at me.

" hah you really think I'm going to fall for that,So you contact your weak alpha Im going to pass." Nick shakes his head at me like i was a child being caught of something.

" I don't have a wolf  or my soul anymore, so that medication doesn't do anything." I explain.

He looks at me trying to solve me, when he see I'm not lying he ask " how so?"

" When I gave birth I died due to Coetzee cruise and when you brought me back I lost my wolf and soul I can't find them." I explain and for a quick second I saw pity, then they went back to cold.

" You're saying that 'I' brought you back from death because?" He ask while pulling out his knife.

" you use to love me." after I finished that last word the knife makes a cut from my heart to my shoulder. I let pain sink in and soon pass out.

I wake up from last nights terror and see its almost sun set, I must have been out  a day.  I look at my body and see all the cut heal into a scar and I let a tear out. I miss my daughter and I miss the old Nick. I wonder if she's can finally stand. I hear the keys open the door. Fear runs though me.

" okay today we are doing something a little different." He evil smirk takes up his whole face, this isn't my nick. He takes of my hand cuffs off the hook and place them on a long chain. " Get up!" I slow get up and pain rushes though my whole body. He unlocks the door and we make our way down dark hallway, this was the first time i have walked in days. we stop at black metal door, where he pushes me in.

Then I see my biggest fear.. my coffin. Please no. He jerks me towards my coffin and pushes me in " Please don't do this to me." I finally give in the first time I begged him to stop. This is want he wanted... to break. He chains me up so I couldn't move. Fear takes over and I start to cry.

" Im sorry 'mate'. enjoy your sleep." then he closes the coffin. I hear the door close I let out a earth shattering cry.

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