Party Plans and Disasters

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I walked to my bag, grabbing my water bottle and taking a victory swig as my dance class had just ended and I had performed a pretty hard ballet routine in my test. Over the years I stayed in Australia, I took dance classes in a local dance team to stay in shape. For the record, just because I had mermaid blood in me, did not mean I couldn't have other interests. The team's name was the Dancing Starlights and I swear I did not pick the name. I had been dancing since I was 8. I did hip hop, breakdance, jazz, and salsa. I had medals and trophies from past dance competitions. My team was called the Dancing Starlights. And FYI, I swear I did not pick the name.

Suddenly my phone rang. I picked it up and I noticed the caller ID was my adoptive moms'.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hello Blair." Lauren said on the phone. "I'm outside waiting for you." I got my stuff and went outside to my mom's car. "So, have you thought about what the party should be this year?"

"What party?" I asked in confusion.

"The party we have every year." Teresa said. "You know the one with the sleepovers, the food fights, and the movie night."

"Wait, are we talking about the one that has a lot of drinks?" I asked with fear oozing in my voice.

"Yes." She replied.

"Oh, I've changed my mind." I said a little too quickly.

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked puzzled.

"I don't want the party to happen." I declared firmly.

"Blair, this is a party that you love to host. You used to have it circled on the calendar every year." She persisted. So, I'm not really one of them. I thought.

"I know but, right now, I just don't see how I can do it this year." I tried to reason with her.

"Blair, just give it one more try." Lauren said. " And if you don't like it, we can cancel next year's ok?"

"I'll think about it." I said as we were getting closer to home. After I changed out of my gym clothes, I met my friends in my room where we were then hanging out. While I was painting my nails, Kimi was trying to determine which liquids won't turn me into a fish. I forgot the other ones, but I remember one of them being vegetable oil. Rose was making a glittery pink collage while Helen was practicing her katas. But I stopped conversing with them to think about the party.

"Hey Blair." Rose poke up. "What's the hold up?"

"I was just thinking." I replied.

"About the party?" She asked, already getting hyped up. Rose was kind of like the baby sister out off all of us. So innocent is one way to describe her.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Alright, alright!" She exclaimed in excitement. "Pour the soda and cut the cake!" She made the pouring and cutting motions with her arms as she said, "pour the soda and cut the cake".

"It is nice to have that party." Kimi remarked.

"Yeah. Nice" I said gloomily.

"Hey Blair what gives?" Rosie asked.

"Aren't you excited about the party?" Kimi asked with worry.

"I don't get it." Rosalina said.

"Maybe she's sick." Kimi said seriously.

"Impossible." Helen announced, walking towards them. "If 8 years of listening to you featherheads hasn't made that white chick sick by now, nothing will." With that, she walked up to me, in my bed, where I sat and looked at the horizon of my window right above it.

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