Battlelines Are Drawn

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I was surrounded by darkness. Again. Then the scene changed to a plane flying but everything was frozen as if time stopped working. Suddenly I heard a voice. Silby's.

"Blair, those girls are telling the truth." She said. "You'll see why. 10 years ago, your family was headed back to America. A place where you would be kept from the mermaids until you were ready to know. Only two of your family survived. My predecessor foretold that someone would make a choice. An eterothaleís. But she never could have foretold, whom. So Veridia ordered the eterothaleís population to be exterminated until you were born 500 years later. But you should know that not all council members are evil. There are no evil councils. Only evil leaders."

The scene changed to a bunch of mermaids all gathered around as if they were in a meeting.

"And so ladies." A mermaid with a tiara in her head. "That is why this prophecy must end." All the other mermaids looked speechless.

"Veridia, can we just talk about this?" A blond mermaid asked.

"There's nothing to talk about. It's the only way we'll be safe from that abomination." Veridia said.

"Veridia." A black mermaid spoke up. "I want to protect one of our houses of the moon but if Slade finds out that we're killing a half blood before he does, we're all going to get killed."

"Do you think I care about that Lena?" Veridia asked coldly.

"Veridia you're asking to make a huge mistake." An Asian mermaid said.

"Lin is right." A Hispanic mermaid said. "This isn't some law you can decree, this is a person. You're talking about ripping a family apart."

"We've done it before, we can do it again."

"Not like this." Lin said. "This is crossing the line! This is a child!"

"Are you saying that because of your daughter?" Veridia asked her. "Need I remind you of where her place is now? What she has done? Need I also remind you of your grandchildren are? But it seems I have been outvoted. I will not carry out my decision."

"If only that were actually true." Silby said surprising me. I had forgotten that she was there. "Veridia has cut corners and ignored true justice to get where she is. One of those corners was listening to her fellow councilwomen whom she ignored. On that night, she snuck out and found the plane you were in." Veridia then held her hand in a fist under the full moon. A flash of blue light escaped from the moon ring and tunneled through the engines. The scene then changed to inside the plane. A younger Rita Santos was holding a 4 year old toddler fast asleep in her arms, along with her husband. I already knew who that kid is: Me. I tried to touch my dad, but my hand just phased through his head.

"This is a memory Thalassa." Silby said. "You are intangible and invisible." A loud jolt shook the plane.

"Attention passengers this is your captain speaking. We seem to have hit turbulence so fasten your seatbelts." I heard on the intercom.

Everyone did so. But Rita's husband got up and looked in the pilot area and found both the pilot and co-pilot unconscious and the autopilot not on. He flipped it on but it does not work.

"This is Harry Santos. Over." Harry spoke into the radio.

"Where's the pilot?" The plane safety manager asked.

"He's uncounsious and so is the co-pilot." But the radio goes dead.

"Harry what happened?" Rita asked entering the pod. She had a worried look on her face with her daughter holding her daughter in her arms.

Tails of A Half Blood: BirthmarkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon