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Kimi's POV

I was now finished with the shed! They were going to love this! Nothing says more quality time with your besties like a mass load of technology. But that was just me. I've already called them to come over.

Helen's POV

Me and my gang of gals are biking to Kimi's place. Assuming we got the directions right. We had never been to her place before. Apparently she has some surprise. Good thing that it was a sunny Saturday, otherwise if it were raining, Blair wouldn't even last 5 minutes without popping a tail.

"Uh remind me why we're biking to the brains of our gang, not knowing what she's got in store for us?" Rose complained.

"Because she called us over?" Blair retorted.

"Man!" I said. "This one had better be good."

Soon we arrived at was said to be her house. It was a very high class house because we were in the rich kids neighborhood.

"Hey guys." I heard Kimi.

"Uh Kimi." Rose began. "You wanna tell us why we're here?"

"Friends." Kimi replied. "Welcome to my house. I should have told you a long time ago but my family is kind of filthy rich. Matter fact I am mud rich." The house was a cross between a Japanese temple and an American 4 story house. The text I got said to meet her at the backyard. We ran to this shed that's painted cyan, Kimi's favorite color. On top were a bunch of satellite dishes and solar panels covering the roof. That was to be expected, since her mom and dad run this technology company. Lately it had been sponsoring solar panels as an alternative energy source. A door slid open, showing the tech nerd herself.

"So?" she asked.

"You turned your mom's old workspace into this?" Blair asked.

"Yep." Kimi replied. "All by myself."

"Kimi, have I ever told you that you're a genius?" I asked.

"No you haven't." She replied smugly.

"'Cause I am seriously considering it!"

We walked inside. You would not believe what was inside. Computers everywhere! There's even the latest one on the market. There's also a fridge! And an air conditioning vent! How she did it, I have no clue.

We all walk to a desk area with our favorite colors. Rosalina's is pink, mine's red, and Blair's is turquoise. Makes sense since she is part mermaid. I fire up my computer.

"Whoo! Did you just get this printer or was it in storage?" I asked.

"It's been in my basement for some time." She replies

"I thought you said that the printer was very old and it was highly unlikely to blow up." Rosalina points out.

"I fixed it."

"Kimi, you're a genius!" I'm sorry but it's the truth. The chick has in IQ of 150 in science and engineering.

"Why not set this up in your place?" Blair asked.

"Because, A, the equipment itself could make a lot of noise, B, my dad likes to keep the house quiet, and C, my place is Tech Center."

"That's it!" Rosalina exclaimed.

"That's what?" I asked.

"That's the name for this workspace, Tech Center!" Rose said.

We all blinked for a minute.

"That is the perfect name!" Blair exclaimed.

"Of course it is! You guys always underestimate me! And I know just the ticket to celebratoryness! POOL PARTY AT HELEN'S!"

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