A Third of the Truth comes out

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In my dream, I was swimming under the sea next to a dolphin, feeling as though I was home. Then suddenly the dolphin became enveloped in a bright light and I looked away to avoid being blinded.

"Blair. Blair" A feminine voice sounded through the ocean. It seemed familiar. Then an image appears to be a mermaid with red hair. She was the same mermaid who led me to shore that night.

"We meet again, little one." She said in a gentle voice.

"This is impossible!" I said, scared.

"Nothing is impossible." She replied caressing a hand over my check. "Now we don't have much time."

"Time for what?" I asked." Is that you Kailani?"

"Yes, it's me." She said simply. "Listen to me. Tomorrow, when the full moon rises, Delphin, my friend will guide you to me."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Tomorrow night, you will learn how you came to be. Goodbye." With that, she left with another flash of light.

End of dream...

I woke up gasping for breath confused if that was actually a dream. I stared at the ceiling, trying to wrap my mind around this. Her instructions were crystal clear, but the questions remained: If she knew who I was, and where I came from, then why after all these years, would she come forward with the information? What did she know? I then thought about Zac. If he was a merman, could he be affected by the full moon? Maybe so. Problem is, I don't know if mermen are effect-prone to the moon. I had never seen another merman in my life. Maybe I should warn the others. No. Not a good idea. Should I warn Zac? No, he's really smart. One false word and he's in serious danger.

I raced downstairs to have a quick breakfast, when I bumped into Lauren.

"Sorry." I said to her.

"Blair, don't worry about it." Lauren said kindly.

"Hey can I talk to you?" I asked, deciding that it was time to get advice.

"Like you need to ask." Lauren said, leading me to the couch. I gladly took the invitation and sat down.

"Hypothetically, say someone has come to me with information about my origins." I lied. "Should I take it?"

Lauren bit her lip in thought. "If this person is someone you don't know, don't go to them. But if this person is someone you know you can trust. Remember, you're 14, so you know who you can call friend. What is this about?"

"It was just a question." I covered up.

"OK." Lauren said. "Remember, if you have any questions, you can always come to us."

The day went by in a flash as I made sure Zac was ok. Why he invited Lyla and her friends, I had no idea, but he made sure that he was ok. From what he told me, he was hanging out with them as they were getting to know each other. The full moon was rising as I walked toward the jetty. I could already feel the moonlight radiating power into my veins. Suddenly,I heard a dolphin clicking.

Mermaid! I heard "Delphin". Are you ready? I pondered for a minute. My own identity was at the meeting place. Answers I've been looking for my whole life are there. This meant, I was going there. The secret to my origin could very well lie within tonight's meeting.

Yes. I said, speaking dolphin. I'm ready. Let's do this. I dived in, felt my legs become a tail and I swam with Delphin to the cave. Over the years, I had picked up the language of dolphins. It was a bit hard at first.

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