Curse you, stupid rain!

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I was in my room reading a very good book on my IPad, while levitating water in little mouthfuls to drink. It's very convenient, that way I wouldn't have the risk of getting wet if I spill it by accident. Plus, it helps me practice. Just because I had been developing my powers doesn't mean I shouldn't keep them in check. My powers used to be infamous for getting out of control. This one time, when I was 10, I had this accident with my ability to create storms in the Sydney Opera House. I didn't exactly mean to create a small tornado with enough wind to tear anything, but the tour bus ended up blown into the harbor. The time before that, when I was 9, when my 4th grade class took a field trip to an aquarium, and I sort of telekinetically hit the wrong lever at a catwalk above a tiger shark tank, and... let's just say that me and my class, and the tour guide took a fall and an unplanned swim. And the time before that... well you get the idea. Was I a troubled kid back then? Yeah, you could say that. Suddenly I heard knocking on my door, and Rob came in.

"You haven't even started." He says deadpanned.

"Started what?" I asked in confusion.

"Packing!" He exclaimed, throwing a bag at me. "I told you I wanted to get away as soon as we can."

"I have. I was just thinking about what to take." I replied.

"We do the father-daughter camping trip every year. What's to think about?" Rob asked.

"There's always last-minute stuff I forget to take." I muttered, looking through my closet.

"Well make sure it's not your wet weather gear." He piped up.

I stopped dead, as my blood went cold. I prayed to my dead parents that he didn't say the word, "wet". " What? Why?" I asked panicking.

"I checked the forecast, there's a storm moving in later this morning." Rob explained.

"'You're kidding." I muttered.

"So we get a little bit wet, what's the big deal?" He asked.

"But a storm means chances of sickness." I lied. "We could catch a cold."

"You can't even get a fever, unless you stand out in the rain not wearing a raincoat." He deadpanned.

"But it'll be muddy everywhere..."

"And it'll still be great!" I was cut off by Rob. "Now I want to get going as soon as we can, so hurry up with your packing."

As soon as he left, I picked up the phone and dialed Rosalina. If there was one thing she was good at, it's making excuses to get out of stuff. Unlike Zac, whose best excuse is so poor, that he couldn't even fool a PE teacher.

"Rosalina? It's me." I spoke into the phone. "I need your help and fast."

Line Break...

Where is she? The rain's already started and if she doesn't get here, I'm toast. As if on cue, she appeared at the door, with her hair a little wet.

"There's no need to panic." She said, trying to lace every word with calmness.

"Are you kidding me? There's every need." I retorted. "I mean, we've gone camping every year. Robs gonna be crushed. But I can't tell him that if I go out like this I turn into a fish girl."

"What if you used your ring?" She suggested.

"To do what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Simple, stop the rain, then you can go to the trip." She beamed at her genius.

"Remember what happened the last time I tried that?" I muttered. I actually tried to do that once. I didn't exactly stop the rain. Instead, I sort of caused a blizzard in my neighborhood. You should have seen the media. They even asked every single person within the neighborhood. Luckily, I put them off the scent before I could make the headlines. Could you imagine that? Picture this: "Weather Witch creates icy blizzard in summer." Not gonna lie, Zac reaction was pretty hilarious, to the point of him freaking out in Thai.

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