The Choice is Made

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It was just me, Zac, and Cam at Zac's garage. We were trying to find out how the trident worked. Or in this case, where the "on button" was.

"So what does it do?" Cam asked.

"Well most websites say the same thing." Zac replied, looking at his computer. "It's a mythological weapon of great power and magic. Used to create earthquakes, tidal waves, and storms."

"And how did they do that?" I asked.

"Doesn't say." Cam picked up the trident and started waving it around like they did in action movies.

"Sorry Cam, but I don't think that's actually going to fire it up." I deadpanned.

"Well this one doesn't seem to work." Cam admitted. "Great, we pull off the perfect heist and for what? A useless antique. Maybe we could sell it."

Zac didn't seem too happy by that idea. He pullled the trident closer to him like it was a ty he wouldn't share. "This was used by gods who live underwater, who have power over the ocean and weather." Zac explained.

"So?" I asked, not seeing the point.

"So maybe it has to be wet." Cam held it while Zac opened a water bottle. I used my powers to suck some of the water out of the bottle and onto the trident. But nothing worked.

"Maybe there's... a magic word." Cam theorized.

Zac scoffed. "You read too many fairytales."

"Oh and mermaids aren't real." Cam sarcastically said. "Maybe you have to speak mermaid."

"Is that even a language?" Zac asked rhetorically.

"No but the closest ones I can think of are Latin or Greek." I pointed out.

"Do you happen to know any of them?" Zac asked cheekily. Just as I was about to retort, I heard an unexpected visitor call out my brother's name.

"Zac?" It was Lyla.

"Guess what they're after?" Zac sarcastically asked. "If it's that important, there's no way I'm giving it back." I was afraid he would say that. I had already tried a gazillion times to convince him to not get the trident and most of those tries ended up in arguments. Zac is sometimes as stubborn as a rock.We stepped outside to find the trio outside right in front of us.

"Well? Where is it?" Nixie asked.

"Where's what?" I asked, playing dumb.

"You know exactly what we mean." Nixie muttered.

"Sorry I don't know what you're talking about." Zac continued the charade.

"It's dangerous." Lyla warned us. "You're messing with power you can't understand, let alone control."

"Have you been eating swordfish?" Cam asked. "I think the mercury's starting to mess with your brain."

"You stay out of this land boy." Nixie warned. "We weren't hatched yesterday."

"Blair please." Sirena finally spoke up. "I know you don't believe this but we're on your side. You have to trust us."

"Yeah right." I said. "Like that's going to happen."

"I bet it's inside. We'll take it if we need to." We raised our arms to use our powers but our preparation was cut short when Rob came.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?" He asked.

"Don't worry." I said to Rob. "We were just leaving, weren't we boys?"

"Yeah." Zac and Cam agreed with me.

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