Scary Movie

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It was a few weeks after I had gotten my tail. That night, I was walking down the road to Helen's house to have the annual girl's movie night. We have one every couple of years. If we would have it every year, it would get a little boring. I rang the bell and waited patiently for the fun to begin. This year, it was Helen's turn. Last time was Kimi's. For some reason, she thought it was a good idea to pick The Human Centipede. It really wasn't because after the first hour, we couldn't even blink after being grossed out and I'm pretty sure that Rose fainted and Yukimi spent 3 hours in the bathroom vomiting. Bad for business. Anyways knowing Helen, the movie would be involving fast cars or big explosions. As I rang the doorbell, I thought about one of Rose's choices, Mean Girls. Mean Girls was in a word: Awesome. I don't mean awesome as in "Rotten Tomatoes" awesome. I mean real movie stuff.

In the nick of time, Mrs. Carter, Helen's dark skinned mother opens the door and said with her British natural accent, "Hello Blair!"

"I'm here for Helen's movie night." I said.

"Of course." Mrs. Carter gestured to her home. "Come in."

I walked in and up to Helen's room. It was filled with posters of rock bands, and she had a lot of karate trophies. The reason for this is because she is a martial arts girl. Each of us take a sport to stay healthy and active. Kimi takes ice hockey, Rose did track, and you already know my sport. Seriously! Miyuki is a hockey player, while Rosalina is a track star. I never did swimming... for obvious reasons. She and the other girls were in the room.

"Hey guys!" I called out.

"Whaddup?" asked Rose. Helen looked upset however.

"Helen what's wrong?" Kimi asked. And just as I thought she was gonna cry, she smiled.

"Ze problem is zat it iz showtime and our little mermaid iz not in her zeat." Helen said with a German accent I scowled in embarrassment.

"The popcorn is popped, the ice cream is cold, and the room is all set out. So what's the movie we're watching tonight?" Rosalina asked. Just as Helen opened her mouth, her mom came into the room.

"Helen dear?" She asked. "Enjoy your time. And you swear that you're not watching anything violent?"

"Yes mom." Helen groaned in exasperation. With that, her mom left and turned off the lights, leaving Helen to flash a flashlight under her chin, giving her a spooky effect.

"Ladies and no gentlemen" She announced in a spooky tone. "Get ready for the scariest night of your lives. Maybe that last movie Kimi picked out was a little disgusting. But this movie is destined to Freak. You. Out! Because we are watching the true horror movie of the century. We are going to watch..."

"What?!" Kimi exclaimed.

"Wait!" Helen yelled. "I haven't told you what it is yet!"

"WHAT IS IT?!" Rosalina screamed, nearly knocking over her soda on me.

"Hey Rosalina?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Listen up please!" I yelled.

"I do listen!" She protested. "I just don't do it much." I rolled my eyes. Rosalina can be a little bit of a short attention span.

"Alright." Helen continued. "We are going to watch... THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT!"

"Wait wait." I asked. "The 1999 movie? The one that revolutionized horror?"

"Correctomundos." Helen replied with a smile. "Let's see who gets scared of the scariest movie of all time."

"Just start the movie. But I'm betting you that you get scared first." Kimi says. Helen turned on the movie and sat down with us. After the first hour, I'm pretty sure we did not even blink. We just hid behind our blankets, but none of us even dared to scream. Even though I had no tail, I could feel my scales getting goosebumps.

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