Bigotry is no laughing matter

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I swam in the reef when I saw Nixie glaring at me with hate. I surfaced to talk to her.

"Why do you hate me Nixie?" I asked her. "What have I done to you?"

"You really wanna know why?" Nixie asked me.

"Yes." I declared. "I really wanna know why."

"It's because I don't like Pigbloods like yourself." Nixie snapped back at me. "Sorry."

I swam back and shut the door to Zac's garage. Helen came in as well with Zac.

"Blair what happened?" Helen asked.

"Nixie...she..." I trailed off. "She called me a Pigblood."

Helen gasped. "She did not."

"What's a Pigblood?" Zac asked.

"It means tainted blood." Helen explained. "It's an insult that's meant to insult her species. It's like calling me a nigger because it's mermaid racism."

"That's horrible!"Zac exclaimed.

"Blair." Helen said to me. "Don't you think on it. Don't you think on it for one bloody second."

"Thanks guys." I said. "But I'll be fine." I marched to my room and looked in the mirror. Tears were threatening to spill. But this girl wouldn't cry because of one mean word. I was strong and had to fight the pain.

"I'm really looking forward to tomorrow." My reflection said back. My face almost matched my red hair. "Let's get that trident and blow this popsicle stand."

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