A Discovery is Made

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I was in the pool, listening to "Get Set" by this band called Taxiride. It's actually a pretty good band. I was not really swimming. My brother was. I just lying down on the pool's floor. Zac too was listening to music. See, Zac managed to buy us water proof music players.

"Blair." I heard Zac's voice in my head. Being underwater and talking with minds was kind of creepy.

"What?" I answered.

"Our friends are here." He said, pointing his finger upward to the surface of the pool.

"What friends?" I asked.

"Santos' nieces." Zac replied.

"Do they, you know. Know of us?" I asked.

"Yep. I told them about you." Zac smiled.

"ZAC!" I mentally screamed.

"Hey I leveled with them, by accident." Zac said. "So we can trust them."

If I came from the future to this time, I would have to said to him, "Boy were you wrong." But that wasn't possible. I popped up my head to the surface to find 2 blond chicks and the same raven haired from my first day of school.

"So you're Zac's little sister?" a blond girl asked.

"Yep." I replied. "What's your name?"

"I'm Sirena." She replied. "That's Lyla on my left." She gestured to the honey blond girl.

"You don't look like him for a ginger." Lyla snapped.

"And what is that supposed to mean, "for a ginger"?" I asked putting hand air quotations at the "for a ginger" part.

"Nothing." Lyla said, putting her hands up in surrender.

"Seriously?" Zac asked Lyla. "You met my sister and you're already referring her to her hair?"

"That's just Lyla." Nixie said. "She's just jealous cause she's being the snappy blondie she is." Unable to hold it in, we all burst out laughing at Nixie's outburst.

5 minutes later...

Me and my bro got dry and entered Zac's room. It actually used to be a boathouse until Zac begged and pleaded his parents with his infamous "Pouty Zac face."

"It's much easier to think underwater." Zac said openly.

"Sure is." I heard Sirena. "I mean it must be so peaceful down there." I raised an eyebrow. "I can see things very clearly." Zac said. "That's why I'm going back to Mako. I've got to find out how I got this way."

"But what if something else happens to you?" Lyla asked. "It's not a place to be on your own."

"You're welcome to come with me." Zac reminded them.

"Uh yeah, we're going to have to think about that one." Nixie stated.

"Sure. I understand." Zac said understanding. "I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I'm going back to Mako today."

"I'm coming too." I said out loud.

"Why? What's there to see?" asked Lyla. "

"I was thinking, since my mother was a mermaid, maybe Mako has some sort of clue as to who or where she is out."

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