Moon Ring 2

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Ah Sunday morning. Oh wait, it was Sunday? I ran out of my room and headed to the backyard. Rob and Teresa are there setting up lunch. Oh man. The lunch with Principal Santos, a.k.a my mom.

"Hey guys." I greeted.

"Blair, you're not dressed." Teresa said.

"Yet. I'm not dressed yet." I said back with a little cheek.

"Well please get dressed in something appropriate before 2." Rob said sternly.

"You don't think it'll rain do you?" I asked.

"Oh a little rain will never hurt anybody." Rob said.

"I beg to differ." I whispered.

"Wonder what's keeping Zac." Rob thought out loud.

"I'll go check on him." I said, running to Zac's garage when I heard some banging. I wondered if he was building something, or taking it apart. "Hey Zac."

"Hey sis." He greeted back.

"What's with the hammer?" I asked confused.

"Check this out." Zac beckoned me to come closer to show me the rock, that had something embedded in it. "I found it on the reef. There's something that's like a ring."

The silver band looked like my ring's. He continued to pound away. Suddenly, Rob came in.

"Zac, you're not dressed. Principal Santos is coming for lunch." I grimaced at the word "principal." You see, it was one thing having a not so dead mom. But to find out that your mom is your very scary high school principal? I didn't know if I should have been ok with it or terrified. In other words, the lunch I was going to have would be very, very, awkward.

"Dad." Zac spoke. "I get that you're on the school council and you have to have her over. Doesn't mean I have to be there."

"Yeah, do we have to be there?" I complained.

"Kids, she is our guest and you two will be courteous." Rob said sternly. "Besides, if you get to know her, you two might see her as more as a school principal. Who knows? She might have another side."

"Another side hmm?" I muttered to my brother after Rob after he left. "Make that two sides: The fishy side and the maternal side."

"Blair, why are you so freaked out about her coming here?" He asked. "Sure, she's your mom..."

"That's the thing Zac." I cut him off. "She's my mother, my real mother. How am I supposed to keep my cool if the person I haven't had friendly contact with for 14 years is there? What am I going to do? What am I going to say?"

"Blair. Blair, relax." My brother said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "So she's your real mom. Just try and act normal, and maybe even have a conversation with her? Start with an ice breaker like, 'How was your day?'"

"I'll keep that in mind." I said. Walking over to his desk, I picked up the rock to take a closer look. Once I peeked at it, I gasped. "Zac, I know what that is. That's a moon ring!"

"A what?" My brother asked confused.

"It's a ring worn by a mermaid." I explained. "It's supposed to have magic powers or something."

"Where'd you get yours?" He asked.

"After my aunt healed me with her moon ring, she gave it to me to protect me." I told him. "I've had it ever since. What do you plan on doing with this one?"

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