Fish Boys Verses Fish Girls

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I woke up in my new room. There was now a nice dresser, and a sofa. Hmm. Mom must have done it overnight. I checked my closet only to find nothing there. Even my dresser drawers had no clothes, except for the clothes I wore yesterday: a blue-green shirt, jean shorts, and blue converse sneakers. I took a simple bath, got myself dressed and headed downstairs. I was starting to get lost, but I quickly smelled something like chocolate chip pancakes. Following the smell, I walked into the kitchen where I saw Mom making something that smelled exactly like that.

"Morning." I said.

"Sleep well?" she asked.

"Yeah." I replied. "Are you making chocolate chip pancakes?"

"As a matter of fact I am." Mom answered. "Help yourself." I grabbed some of the pancakes,relishing in delight as I took the first bite.

"So, um is it Saturday already?" I said, cunningly. "It doesn't feel like a school day."

She gave me a deadpanned look. "Nice try." Rita told me. "Your schoolbag is over there by the TV. Just because you're my daughter, doesn't mean you get to skip school."

"I was just kidding Mom!" I said, giggling, but I stopped to think about what I just said. "Did...I just call you that?"

Rita only chuckled. "I know, it's strange getting used to a new environment." She said. "Believe me, a couple of my friends had a hard time getting used to land."

"This is different." I said. "It's a bit to wrap my mind around. It's not every day, you call your high school principal, your mother."

Rita laughed. "It's ok. I understand. For now, you may call me Rita. But don't call me Ritz. It's bad enough I had that from your godfather."

I froze. "My godfather?" I asked.

"Who is a story for another time." RIta said. "Although I do get to drive you to school."

"Thanks." I said.

"How are you feeling after last night?" Rita asked me.

"A bit better." I answered, still feeling a little stung.

"You know you can always talk to me if you're feeling sad or anything." Rita said soothingly, cupping my cheek.

"I know Mom." I said. "I guess I'm gonna have to get used to calling you that."

"But I'm not getting used to calling you, 'Thalie.' Mom said. "Your father gave you your name." We had a moment of silence, remembering my father. I wish he was there. "Anyways, it's Tuesday. And the girls should have shown up by now."

"Oh thanks Mom!" I exclaimed, running to the grotto and stopped in by the pool, where the mermaid trio was getting their legs back. "Hey guys."

"Hey Thalie." Lyla said.

"I never got a chance to tell you guys that I'm sorry, for everything." I said.

"You're sorry?" Lyla asked. "But we were the ones that screwed up! We turned your brother into a merman!"

"It was an accident!" I exclaimed. "And more importantly you guys are just trying to go home, which I can understand. I'm so sorry for doubting you."

"You're the best!' Sirena said.

"Thalassa!" Rita called. "Come on, time for school!"

"Coming!" I shouted back, feeling a little awkard at calling her that.

"So, you now live in this house?" Nixie asked.

"Yep. I gotta go to school, see you guys." I ran upstairs, got my schoolbag and met Mom outside in her silver car that looked like a Toyota Yaris Sedan.

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