Part Two: JJ

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As Eliza answered the phone

I could see her face change

from tired

to fully awake

in a matter of two seconds.

She said,


of course,


I'll be in right away.

When should I come?"

Its sounds like she got an answer

and she ended her phone call


"Thank you,

thank you

so much,

it's so important to me."

I walked over,

taking Justin out of her arms

and kissing her cheek.

"what was that?"

She looked at me

with so much joy,

and happiness

in her eyes,

I hadn't seen her this happy

since before justin.

"The college courses that I applied for,

instead of high school classes,

I was one of the fifteen

that they chose.

they want


to come in

and fill out all the applications

and all the paperwork

so that I can start

the first day of school."

I was ecstatic for her,

I had gotten into the same program

because of Sam,

he suggested me

and then pushed me into their classes.

I hugged her tightly,

making sure

that I didn't flatten the baby.

Because that would have made

all this work

a waste.

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