Part 16: Eliza

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I stepped in

and addressed them both.

"Why can't you take in your own grandson


I'm sure

you love dearly

and greatly."

She spit on my feet

"Like I would tell you."

She stalked away

and grabbed joey by the ears

and left

the same way they came.

I looked to the social worker

"What will happen to him now?"

the worker looked


into my eyes,

'She signed the papers

that say that she resigns from any duties

that give her custody to Raylin.

He goes to an orphanage,

or to a group home,

or to an adoption agency.

it's a shame,

it really is."

I can't let this happen,

I make a phone call

to JJs mom

and to Damiens dad

asking them

what I should do

and all they told me,


"Do what you think is right

and I will follow you

through it

in any way possible."

and I had my mind set

and I was ready to say what I needed to.

I walked over to the social worker

who was still there


on calling an agency

that would take Raylin

"I want to adopt him,


right now,

right here."

He looked up to me

"You know what that entails


I look at him

with fire in my eyes

and strength

in my voice.

"I adopted a baby

when my friend passed away

in childbirth

two months ago.

I know how it goes.

I want to take him home

and give him a life he deserves.

Give me the papers

or I will take them."

he hands me a stack of papers


he looks to me,

"You're only seventeen,

and you'll have two young children.

Is this wise?"

I sign my last signature

"Probably not,

but I'm doing what's right,

and that's all that matters."

I go to Raylin,

who's sitting in the ambulance

under an electric blanket

next to JJ.

"Is Grandma taking me home soon,

I'm cold,

and I don't feel well?"

I sat on the other side of him,


you're coming home with me,

and you're going to live with JJ,

and I.

We're going to take care of you."


hearing this for the first time,

looked to me in question,

and then went along with it.

"is it okay that you're going to live with us,

instead of your grandma?"

he looked up at me

with the same blue eyes

that Justin posses,

"As long as I'm with you

and I can take Serena

and my blankie,

I'm okay."

He says.

I jump off the ambualnce

and pick him up,

"Well then,

I guess its time to go home."


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