Part Eighteen: JJ's Journal

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It's been three months, and I can't even look at myself in a mirror. I fear for those around me, and I can't stop waking up screaming at night. I dream about killing them, and what their last words were. They haunt me, and won't go away. Cap. says that I should see someone, do that I can help with PTSD, but I keep telling him it's my conscience that's screwing me, not any PTSD. I'm lying of course. I have PTSD, and I can't get rid of it. No it's not just killing those children. but recently, I saw three of my Battalion killed by an IUD, one of my close friends got shot in the head not even two feet away from me. I still can't get the blood off of me, I still can't forget the others who gave their lives yelling at me to run to camp, and be the only survivor of an ambush two weeks ago. And now I find out that not only will I be transferred to a higher position, I have to call in another bomb on an insurgents house, and I can't. I tell myself that I need to be strong, because weakness will kill you here, but I can't. I can't. I can't.

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