Part 20: Eliza

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We were sitting on the couch

when JJ came out



We have to talk."

His mom demanded.


you start

with what the hell happened."

She ordered.

I told the story

and she looked to me

with pity in her eyes.

"I'm speaking to you both

when I say this.

I understand

that you feel the need

to take each other's messes,

but you need to be careful.

In the last two


three months

you've taken in

two young children.

I can see why

in both of these situations,


be careful.

With college classes

and jobs,

speaking of jobs,

Eliza do you have to quit one of yours

so that you can take care of the boys?

It would make sense."

I looked to her

and then to Jj


I've thought it through

and I'm quitting my job

at the library."

JJ looked at me

in shock


no you can't!

you love it there."

I know I did

I didn't want to leave

but JJ's mom was right

I couldn't take care

of two young children

and work

two jobs

with demanding hours.

"I decided that it was better off

if I worked at night

because I could be around when you're at work."

He shook his head

in utter dismay

and said nothing more

on the matter.


His mother began

"You two

have bright future

in whatever you want.

Be careful what you do now

too much

can ruin your life."

She got up

and walked out

of the apartment



and I

staring blankly at each other


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