Part 23: Eliza

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I woke up

when my boss

tapped on my car window.

I opened the door

and hopped out.

"What are you doing here?

you don't work

for another half hour."

I answered with a simple

"we need to talk"

and she led me to her office.

"What is it that we need to speak about?"

she asked

"I regret saying this,

but I told you I took in Mara's baby,

well now I've taken in

the second youngest

of the Alsteen children,


Last night his entire family

was murdered

and he hid

in a secret space

and that's the only way he survived.

After some thinking,

I regret to inform you

that I'm putting in my notice


I can no longer work two jobs

and the benefits of my other job

are much better.

This is the last thing I wanted to do,

don't get me wrong.

If I had the choice

I would stay."

I went to get up

to leave


my boss spoke.

"I'm proud of you for taking him in,

he deserves you.

I know the benefits aren't good

they never are for librarians

of your stature.

I want to keep you

and I know that there's no way to do that

without giving you benefits,

but I can't do that

without promoting you,

and unless someone quits I can't.

So as of now,

I quit

and make myself the measly librarian,

as my last act

of head of this branch,

I make you my successor

and forfeit all my rights

and claims

to this position.

Please take it,

I hope it's enough."

I couldn't think straight.

She worked for thirty years

just to get this position.

The benefits

were amazing.

I could pick my own hours,

It was mandatory

that I came in

on Saturday's

and week days,

and that I attended all meetings.

I was still a librarian

I still had my original job,

but now I was boss,

I hired

I fired

I organized

and I budgeted.

I was now paid $20 an hour

and $25 an hour on weekends.

I had insurance,

I had everything I needed

and more.

"I'll take it.


If I can."

She smiled,

"For you,

I'll do anything."

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