Part Forty-Seven: JJ

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I found out later that night,

That she wasn't mad

Or disappointed

She really was confused

And didn't know

What to do.

She was singing house of gold,

To no one

But herself

And i realized

That something was missing from her,

And I knew right away wht it was.

It was true

Neverending love.

I had left

And I had wounded her

And Damien loves her

But the pieces

That I promised to put back together

I took a few with me,

Those wouldn't let her love him.

And her parents

Hadn't loved her at all,

They hated her

And told her every moment

Of every day,

She's never been loved continuously

She's never been promised

That when she grows old

Someone will buy her a house of gold.

She's never been convinced enough

To say yes

To any man

Or any woman

To promise their lives together,

And now that she has,

She doesn't know,

Or she's confused

As to what love is

And how it's supposed to work.

As i realize this,

I walk over to her

As she sings herself house of gold,

And I wrap my arms around her

And i sing to her

Instead of her singing to herself,

Because this is real love,

One isn't supposed to be alone all the time

While the other looks in,

It's supposed to be both of them

Loving each other

Until they can't any longer.

Love is not,

Just sex

And the high that they give you,

It's much more,

And when you realize this,

You'll never let it go.

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