Part 35: Eliza

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There was a knock on the door

as I was making dinner.


was in a little basinet

on the island

and Raylin

was playing with lego's

on the kitchen table.

I ran to get the door

not knowing who to expect.

I opened the door

and JJ's dad

pushed through

with JJ

draped over one arm.

"Holy hell,

what happened?"

I asked directing him to the couch


about Raylin

and Justin completely.

His dad set him down

and I took a closer look at him.

there was a blossoming bruise

that covered half of his face

I realized

in a split second

who had done it

"You son of a bitch."

I said turning around

to face him

and stare him down.

"You came into my home

around my family

to bring me home

my boyfriend

that you hit

hard enough to knock out?!

How dare you!

You have no right

what so ever!"

he grabbed my collar

and pushed me up against a wall

"I have no right!?

You have no right

to take my son away from me,

to keep my grandson's away from me

to keep you away from me.

You have no right!

This is my son!"

I was rooting around

looking for something

to smash against his head

but I couldn't find anything

that wasn't anchored to the wall.

Then I thought,

my shoe,

all I needed

was to get to my shoe

which was by the door.

I looked around

and didn't see Raylin

and the baby was gone.

What the hell!

Jj was still passed out

on the couch.

I pushed with all my might

and strength

against his hold on me.

He fell backwards

onto his back

and I ran for my shoe.

I got halfway there


he grabbed my foot

and dragged me back to him,

with my hands outstretched

to my shoe carpet

and my body sliding backwards on the floor

I started to panic.

I got back to him

and he flipped me over putting his hands on my hips

to straighten me

and hold me down.

I had to think fast.

What do I do?

I had a gun in the bedroom

and a knife in my shoe

and a set of knives in the kitchen.

I just had to get there.

He started to unbuckle his pants....

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