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Harry's POV

The next day, I'm actually looking forward to psychology class. Walking into the room, I discreetly search around for Louis but he is nowhere to be found. I sigh and take my seat where I had sat with him before.
Mr. Davidson begins his lesson. I'm honestly very disappointed- I had been so eager to see Louis again and he doesn't even show up.
I'm still thinking about Louis when there is a knock on the door.
"I'll have you know being late is unacceptable and it shows a lack of responsibility. On any other day I would refuse to allow you in the classroom, but you're pretty lucky because today I'm in a good mood and I'm gonna let it slide." I hear Mr. Davidson say.
"Sorry." The boy mutters.
Mr. Davidson moves out of the way and I spot lavender. It's Louis. He's wearing my sweater again. This time my sweater is accompanied by darker jeans that fit looser and a pair of Toms. His cheeks are flushed from embarrassment as the whole class is silently watching him walk to the back of the room to sit next to me.
"Nice one." I whisper to him once everyone's attention returns to the professor. He grins back at me.
I don't get many chances to talk to Louis besides a few whispered comments because Mr. Davidson talks the whole time. But it turns out to be worth the wait because when it's time to leave, Louis asks me if I'd like to go to a frat party with him.
"Yeah, if you want. I'm going with a few other guys as well but I thought maybe you could come too and we could hang out. You seem pretty cool." He says.
"Yeah. Yeah, I mean thanks, I'd love to."
"Okay." He reaches to grab my hand so for a second I think he remembers me. That he was gonna intertwine his fingers with mine and that the reason he asked me to go to this party with him, was so we could catch up and we would pick up where we left off. But instead of holding my hand, he takes a pen and begins scribbling down numbers on my palm.
"Party's at 7:00. Call me when you're ready and me and the guys will come find you." He says.
"What are you getting all dolled up for? Looks like you're about to go on a hot date." Says Zayn, my roommate as he watches from his bed as I spritz myself with cologne.
"Oh, am I too dressed up? I'm going to a party. Do you wanna come?"
"No, I'm teasing, you look fine. Like a sexy party animal. And no, I gotta actually study tonight. Already behind in three classes."
"Alright." I say, laughing.
I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is how it usually is, a fringe going to the left side. I decided on a red button up shirt and black skinny jeans with my white Converse. I struggled with picking out an outfit, not wanting to be too casual or too done up.
I jump when I hear knocking on the door and rush to open it. My stomach drops when I see him. He's no longer wearing my sweater, but instead a blue button up and white jeans that fit him perfectly. His hair is neatly in a quiff and his eyes appear brighter than before.
"Hi, Harry." He says. I take note of him checking me out.
"Hi, Louis." I reply.
We share a moment of just standing there looking at each other, and I start to wonder if maybe it's alright that he doesn't recognize me. Maybe we can fall in love all over again, and I think it's already begun. I feel it and he must feel it too.
"You ready?" He asks, breaking the trance he put me in.
"Uh, yeah I just gotta grab my phone."
"Louis?!" Zayn yells, getting up to see him standing there.
"Hey, mate!" Louis says.
"Harry, you didn't tell me Louis was the guy you were going with!" Zayn says.
"I didn't realize you two knew each other."
"Not very well to be honest, but we have nearly every class together so I'm sorta stuck with him." Louis says with a smirk.
"Don't pretend like you don't love me!" Zayn jokes.
"You're right, you're right." Louis says, side hugging Zayn.
"Alright, shouldn't we get going?" I say, annoyed and jealous. I've never liked Louis being touchy with other people. All jokes aside, nobody loves Louis more than I do...did. He's supposed to love me... that's how it's always been.
"Yeah, let's go. Nice seeing you again, Zayn. Unless you wanna come...do you?"
"He's studying." I say, already half way out the door.
I walk with him to the frat house and am surprised to see how many people actually showed up to this party. The music hurts my ears and I see guys having a beer chugging contest. This is not the kind of environment I want to be in, but if it means spending time with Louis, I'll take it.
"I see them!" Louis says, grabbing me by the arm and guiding me through a crowd of dancing girls.
"Louis! We've been looking all over for you!" Says a blonde haired boy.
"Harry, these are the friends I was telling you about." Louis introduces me to them and I shake their hands. Each of them are holding a red party cup filled with punch.
The blonde one is Niall. He seems like the nicest out of all of them, the one I could actually be friends with. Then there is Bradley and Liam, both brunette, Liam with a buzz cut and Bradley with a quiff like Louis. Liam, Louis' roommate, seems fun yet sensible, and I have a feeling he would be the most responsible one. Bradley on the other hand, has a personality that reminds me of Louis, very loud and funny right from the start.
They all are attractive, but still Louis is the best looking, at least in my eyes. Louis had been my first boyfriend. After him, I had one other and then several short term girlfriends. But out of them all, Louis was the prettiest. Louis was the one that mattered.
For a little while we're all huddled together in a group, Louis, Liam, and Bradley having their own conversation and then me talking to Niall.
I'm listening to Niall telling me about this psycho girl that he once dated when I notice that Louis is gone. He comes back shortly later with two red cups in his hands. He hands me one.
"Louis, I don't drink."
"Well tonight you do. Loosen up a little, you're supposed to be having fun!" Louis says, roughly patting my back. I want to remind him that he is main reason I'm so sensitive around alcohol. That he shouldn't be drinking because he doesn't want to end up like his dad.
But instead, I take the cup from him and take a big swig. This is gonna be a long night.

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