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Harry's POV

   The week Louis came back to school was exciting for me because I could go back to getting out of math and science to go spend time with him, even if it was just for a few minutes. Being in school without him had been really hard but at least it gave me motivation- if I could get through the day, I would get to see Louis. His mum never ended up finding out about me sneaking to go see him everyday that week, but she probably figured it was happening anyways. It's not like I was gonna go seven days without seeing his face.
Louis had been going to practice that week, but hadn't been allowed to attend games. So his first match back, he was extremely anxious.
"I'm not ready. I'll probably screw it up for the whole team, I shouldn't be playing." He said as he sat on the bench, waiting for the other team to arrive.
"Stop being so negative."
"Harry, Harry, they're here. Oh god, I'm so nervous."
"You'll do great, stop worrying!"
   I stood next to Louis' mum and three of his sisters, but they seemed to be calmer than I was. Throughout the whole game, I was restless and my fingers were crossed. If his team lost this game he would for sure blame himself, he would be devastated.
"Come on, Louis." I said aloud to myself. It seemed like he was purposely staying away from the ball, probably still afraid he would do something wrong.
   I watched as the ball was stolen from Louis' team by a guy from the opposing. He headed down the field and was about to pass the ball to one of his teammates to score the tiebreaker, when all of a sudden Louis came up from behind him, and kicked the ball away from him and into his own control. Louis ran with the ball but someone from the right went in to steal it. Louis kicked the ball past him and the next thing I knew everyone around me started cheering and clapping, and I realized that the ball Louis kicked went right into the goal; he won the game.
   I pushed past his mum and lots of other people and ran onto the field to where Louis' team was jumping up and down, exchanging hugs and praising Louis. Louis was in the arms of someone else when he saw me and his eyes lit up. When the guy pulled away from him he ran into my arms.
   "Harry!" He was bouncing around and I was overwhelmed with so much happiness because I was so proud of him and he was proud of himself, and everybody around him was finally proud of him too, and I was just so filled with love for him. "You saw right?! I actually did it, we fucking won, wow, I'm so-"
Something took over me, the love and the happiness controlled me, and I leaned in, delicately placing my lips on his.
   He looked at me, stunned.
   "I didn't mean to..I'm sorry..I.."
   He took my face in his hands and gave me a second quick kiss before turning to go back and celebrate with his team, leaving me frozen standing there on the field.
    His team and him went out to dinner afterwards and I went home and tried to sort out my feelings. I kept telling myself that the kissing had just been an emotional thing- we were both excited and it just happened. It didn't mean anything, or maybe it did. I couldn't deny that I was falling in love with Louis.
Louis and I didn't mention the kiss in the next few days. I was pretty sure his mum had seen it happen, but she didn't say anything either, at least not to me.
Things were a bit awkward afterwards though, and I worried it had affected our friendship, so I made a suggestion to clear the air.
"Lou, can we go somewhere this weekend? Like do something fun? I feel like we've been really distant lately and I don't want it to be like that." I asked him.
We ended up going to the fair and having a really good time. For a few hours, I forgot about all of the mean people at school and the confusing kisses, and was just able to have fun with my best friend. We went on almost every ride there, even the really fast ones that made me nauseous.
Soon it was dark and I loved the way the colors of the lit up rides looked.
"Harry!" Louis squealed, taking my hand and leading me over to where the games were.
   There was this one game we played where this huge fluffy white bear was hung up as one of the prizes for winning. I spent  fifteen minutes trying to get the ball to go into the hoop that was worth 10,000 points but I eventually gave up.
"Step aside." Louis said, handing the man a few tickets. When he didn't get it in, I told him it was fine.
"Come on, we've been here forever." I said.
"Tomlinsons are not quitters, Harry." He turned to the man. "Gimme three more."
Sure enough, ten tickets and ten minutes later, I had that stuffed bear in my arms.
I had such a good time that leaving was really sad, but it was almost closing time.
   We went to my house for the night because my mum and sister were gone for the weekend. I propped up the bear, which Louis had named Sebastion, on top of my bed while Louis ordered Chinese food for us.
   After eating dinner, Louis handed me a fortune cookie.
   "Do yours." I said.
   He cracked it open. "Something good is coming your way." He read.
   "Well that's good to know." I said.
   "Okay, read yours."
   I took the tiny piece of paper out of the cookie. "Will you be..." I scanned the rest of the sentence then looked up at Louis who had a big grin on his face, my stomach twisting more than it had on the rollercoasters. "Ehm..."
"Go on." He insisted.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" I read quickly. I felt myself blushing.
"Yes. Will you?"
"Of course, Louis." I giggled out of nervousness and got up to kiss him, for real this time. Getting to feel his soft lips against mine while knowing that he loved me back was a beautiful feeling.
"So it wasn't a mistake. Before." I said.
"No, it wasn't." He replied.
   Later, when I was cuddled on the couch with my boyfriend under one arm and Sebastion the bear in the other, I asked Louis if I could ask him a question.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"Can we be friends always? Like even if we break up, can we stay close? I don't want to lose you. Ever."
"Forever, Harry."
"Okay, good. Forever." I repeated.

two chapters instead of one woooo
school is getting in the way of everything though ugh uggghh
i might update during the week though maybe
i hope you're enjoying the story so far :)
vote, comment, you know the drill
love forever and always,
x Emily

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