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Harry's POV

I wait until Liam drops me off to hop into my car and drive myself to the Lancaster Bridge. I should have told Liam, it would be safer to go with him but I feel I need to be alone.
The Lancaster Bridge is not one that people tend to use because it's rickety and rumbles when cars go over it, warning whoever passes over that it's getting ready to give up. The important part though, is that it's directly above the ocean and it's the only bridge I can think of that's within a mile.
I don't know I'm right about this until I'm driving across the old bridge and I see Louis' blue car parked to the side. I slam on the breaks and proceed to pull over, jumping out of my car. I fumble around with my phone, quickly texting Liam to tell him I know where Louis is and everything's fine.
My eyes dart around, scanning every which way, but there's no one in sight.
I frantically run behind Louis' car and I see someone in a white tshirt and grey sweatpants standing facing the water.
"Louis! Lou! Lou!" I exclaim, excitedly at first because I'm elated to see that he's alright, but then fearfully because I remember that he's not.
He turns to look at me. I take a step closer and get a better look at the situation. Dark circles under his eyes tell me he hasn't been sleeping much, and his hair is messier than it should be. He's wearing short sleeves and it's got to be around 50 degrees out. I worry he has hypothermia.
"Go away!" He shouts.
"Louis, please step back." I walk closer to him, very slowly as if a regular speed would push him over the edge.
"Take one more step near me and I swear to god I'll push you over."
I inch my way forward.
"Harry, don't try me!"
"You wouldn't do that, Louis."
"I would. I'd jump right after of course, but I would."
I ignore what he's just said and continue coming closer to him until I'm right in front of him.
"How long have you been out here?" I ask, calmer than I should be. I think it's looking into his eyes that's calming me down.
He moves and I flinch because I think for a moment that he's going to grab me and toss me in, watching me sink to the bottom of the ocean. Instead, he walks onto the very edge of the bridge and stays stood there.
I'm screaming his name but it's like something has taken over him and he doesn't seem to hear me. He's staring down at the water, watching it crash and twist and turn however it pleases. It's so free, maybe that's what's drawing Louis in.
"Louis, I love you, I love you so, so much! Don't do this to me!" I sob uncontrollably.
"I know, that's why I need to go, Harry. I can't let you love me." He says with sparkeling eyes. They look duller than usual, more of a blue-grey- the same color as the sky.
   The seconds feel like hours, I swear everything is moving in slow motion.
   I pray that this is a nightmare, there's no way this could be real life. Louis would not try to kill himself. I need to wake up.
"No! No, no, no, no, please, please, Louis!" I can't think and I can't breathe and I feel like I'm being sucked away into the sea.
"I'm not ready to let you go!" I wail.
"Come here." Louis commands. He's too calm while standing on the edge of life and death and I begin to wonder how we got here. I need to wake up.
    Please wake me up.
My legs are wobbly as I approach Louis. I'm shaking and crying so hard that I feel as though I'll be the one to end up falling off of the bridge.
Louis pulls me into him and I swear to myself I won't let go of him. If he jumps, I go too.
"See how easy it is? Look at the water. It's just you, me, and the world right now, Harry." He whispers. He's crying now, too. This isn't a dream.
I wonder what he means by "it's so easy." Easy to die? Easy to take control back, take your life into your own hands? I decide easy isn't good either way.
   I squint my eyes and peek down at the roaring water that's screaming to hold my hand.
"Why? Why are you doing this?" I ask, my voice shakier than before.
"I don't like what I'm becoming. You were right, I'm just like him."
His dad. I knew I had ruined him by telling him he was becoming his father, but I never would have thought it was this bad.
"You can change though, Louis. It's not too late." I tell him, hanging on to just enough hope for the both of us.
"I hurt you and I love you. I never stopped loving you."
"Forever." I choke out.
"Forever." He says.
"I know you don't want me to, but I forgive you. For hitting me. You were drunk and angry and it's over now." Every word feels like a wave crashing onto us.
"I love you." He repeats as he lets go of me. He wants those three words to be his last.
I feel like I'm already dead and the contents of my whole life are flashing in front of me. But I realize that they are, because my whole life is Louis.
My adrenaline must be pumping because without thought, I'm using all of my energy to pull Louis back to safety. I attemp to move us away from the edge but he's twisting to get out of my grasp, causing us both to lunge forward.
   All I can hear is my own screams.
My eyes are squeezed shut and I'm too afraid to open them.
My screaming is drowned out by a high-pitched noise that's growing louder- sirens
"No, no, no, no!" I keep repeating it over and over because what else is there?
"It's okay, it's okay. Everything's okay." Someone says.
I open my eyes and my vision is blurred by tears but I can still make out a face looking down at me. I look around to see that I'm laying on the rotting wood of the bridge.
"Louis. Louis. Lou-" I yelp.
   I spring up and cling to him.
"I know, Harry. I know." He says as he rocks me back and fourth. His tears drip onto my cheek.
His body is cold so I unzip my jacket and lay it over his shoulders as I watch from the corner of my eye a women jogging over to us. We're still here, but why?

Three  chapters????? woah!1!1!1
it means so much to me that ppl r reading this, i love you all
comment, vote, all that good shit (pretty pls? w blue and green sprinkles on top? actually, make that rainbow sprinkles.)
;)  xx emily

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