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Harry's POV
Song reccomendation: Hundred by The Fray

    "I'm supposed to go with her. She's should be with me right now." Zayn whimpers.
   Zayn informs me that tonight is the night of the Boo Bash, a Halloween party thrown by a few of the professors and staff at our university every year. He's obviously depressed about it, he says he's heard from upperclassman that they throw in a few slow dances, and Madison loves Halloween so it was going to be special for them. They were going to have a great night dancing together and having a wonderful time and were gonna go out to dinner afterwards, and now he's all alone. I do my best to console him but deep down I'm glowing seeing this new opportunity to have my own special night with Louis.

   At 3:00pm I have pyschology class and Louis' already in his seat when I arrive.
   I smile at him. "Hey." I beam.
   "Hi, Harry." He murmurs, unglueing his eyes from his phone to look at me as I take my seat.
   "You glad to be back?" I ask sarcastically.
  "Yeah, I only missed one day and now I have a heaping pile of work to get done."
   "I could help if you want." I offer.
   "No, I got it."
    "Okay... so, how have people been treating you?" I ask.
    "Really? Yesterday your name was coming up everwhere."
   "Well, yeah, people are still talking ahout it but I'm handeling it."
   "What do-"
   "I'm confused as to why there's so much chatter, I thought we were here to work. That doesn't add up, now does it?" Mr. Davidson declares.

   After class, Louis leaves abruptly. I struggle to catch up with him as we descend from the building swarmed in a crowd of people.
   "Louis!" I call.
  To my relief, he turns back and waits for everyone to pass so he can walk with me.
   "I was just thinking maybe you'd want to go to this Halloween party thing tonight."
   "The Boo Bash or whatever?"
  "Yeah, you've heard about it?"
   I realize that the direction I'm following Louis in isn't even where my car is. Oh well.
   "Yes, everyone has." His tone is sharp but blatant.
  "Oh. Well, do you wanna go?"
   "Um, no." He shoves his hands in his pockets.
   "But you love parties, don't you?" I stupidly ask.
Silly me thinking the party is the problem.
   "No, I mean I'm going, just... not with you."
   "I meant go with me, like as friends."  I clarify.
   "I said no." He barks, his expression cold and blank.
    I just stare into his eyes wishing I could see what's going on inside his head
   "If you dislike me so much, you could've  just said so." I eventually say, feeling betrayed.
   He stops in his tracks, I do the same and turn to face him.
   "Harry, I don't dislike you, I'm fucking sick of you! I don't want to be around you, why can't you take a hint?! You're so clingy, just leave me alone, I want everyone to leave me alone." He attempts to keep his voice low so people won't hear but his voice is getting increasingly louder and a group of girls turns around to gawk at us.
   "If that's what you want then fine, but I just want you to know that you need to be sure of what you want. Because I'd do anything for you, Louis, so if you tell me to dissapear one day then don't be surprised when I'm gone forever." I say.
It's hard to remember this Louis. I tried to save only the good memories of him but in truth we had a lot of fights when we were together, they were just balanced out by the good times. It hurts to recall the time he told me I dressed weird and I didn't speak to him for a week, and the time my mum called his mum because she heard him go off on me, calling me every name in the book.
   I leave him there to cool down, turning around to go to my car, even though I want so badly to hold him for a while because his emotions get the best of him sometimes, I know that. By now, I've learned a lot of things like not to take what Louis says to heart when he blows up like this. He doesn't mean any of it, or at least that's what I try to talk myself into thinking. But it still does hurt, even if I try to brush it off, it always hurts, it will always hurt. He can't help it though, I understand that and I don't think many people do. I think he's afraid to show weakness, the anger is a defense mechanism, a strong face he puts on to get himself through. Maybe it's because of his dad, or maybe it's just for attention, I'm not sure. But right now I figure I need to do what's best for me, and that's leaving him. At least, that's what everyone else is saying is best for me.
   So I drive away, and in the car I don't turn on the radio. I just listen to the buzz of the heater and Louis in my head telling me he wants me out of his life.

   When I get home, Zayn is sitting at the computer with a packet of crisps in hand, which is a big improvement from where he was this morning, which was laying in bed and not planning to get up for anything.
   "Feeling better?"
   "Yes!" He exclaims. "Guess what I've decided?"
    "What?" I ask as I take off my dirty Converse preparing to get comfy for a Friday night in.
    "I'm going to that party. I'm not going to let a girl have this much control over me, keep me from going and having fun with my friends. She thinks that if I'm not there with her, I'm not going at all. I'd like to see the look on her face when she sees me there having a blast without her." He spins around in his chair.
   Zayn usually has a way of cheering me up whether he means to or not and I love that about him.
   "That's the spirit! Never let someone make you believe you can't do something without them there. You're gonna have fun and you don't even need her." I tell him.
   "You bet."
   Does Louis think I'm not going just because I'm not going with him? He happily told me that he was going, so why shouldn't I?
   "You know what? I'll be there too."

next chapter is the halloween party, brace yourself haha
idk what else to say sooo
have a nice day :)
x E

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