Minigame Response

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Request: What happened to CP9?/Government action to CP9's defeat.

Warnings: Spoilers! And this chapter has no relation whatsoever to my own plot and storyline.

@Ghostly_Mad_Hatter requested this, as winner of the mini game.

Shoutout to his friend @SatansComander ! Another requested shoutout to the short story on the account: Grow Up. But im not sure what (or where) to search this up. Is it an account? Because I cant seem to find whetever short story this is.

What happened to CP9?: Well, due to recent developments in the series 

(SPOILERS! LAST CHANCE! I warned you!) 

CP9 were apparently on the run for a while before somehow becoming CP0. Rob Lucci is now apparently in charge and Spandam Panda apparently works under him this time 'round. (nice! but why isn't the guy dead? Robin snapped his spine in half and b!7c# slapped him into next year. How's the guy not dead?)


Government reactions?:

Sengoku: must have face palmed in frustration. (He scowls at Garp) "Quit laughing, Garp! Focus! What will we do with CP9?"

Garp: Laughing his head off in Sengoku's office, his reaction along the lines of "That's my grandson! I would be disappionted if he couldn't do this much!" And promptly gets his rice crackers stolen by his superior and best friend. (gotta love Garp). Shrugs and takes out another pack of rice crackers, opens it, and laughs as he walks out on Sengoku, saying something like "Gotta go visit my Grandson---I mean...tell Tsuru!

Akainu: Disapointed/Upset over this new development. "CP9 is too incompetent, they dont deserve to carry the name of Justice!"

Aokiji: intrugued/amused, but nonetheless uncaring and understands. "Ara, what will you do now? Lucci."

Kizaru: A living enigma, confusing AF and I can never tell what he's thinking, so he's probably amused in him own twisted sort of way. "Scary brat... those agaents sure are in deep $#!7..."

Gorosei: "It seems we must do something about the CP9" (no sht sherlock)

Smoker: Stares at the order, surprised that he was even surprised Luffy did so. "That brat is insane."

Coby: Not surprised. "To think you would go through souch lengths... HELMEPPO! Come see this!"

I honestly dont know. The Marines are not really in my feild of One PIece expertise.

Hope this satisfys for now! Didnt have much time. (We went crabbing, which was no much fun! we caught so many crabs!)

(Casts out net with chicken tied in the center.) Here's your invitation Crabbies! Lets invite you to dinner...only...we dont have a main course as of now...would you like to volunteer?

A whole cooler-full....

It was heavy, too.

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