990 A.D

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Decided to post another chapter in my free time.The picture above is of Darlene and her mom from one of the scenes in my story.

Darlene's p.o.v:

Its been a year since me and Lucien had played hide and go seek.Now me and Lucien play tag or I bring him food cause he doesn't have much.My birthday is tomorrow and I'm excited because this year,mother said Lucien may actually talk to me.For my 7th,8th,and 9th birthday,Lucien waited o give me a gift and stayed in the regular crowd and wasn't allowed to come over and talk to me.Over the last year,me and Lucien have played in the woods,practiced with our arrow skills,an lit my fathers hat on fire for the good ol fun of it."Lucien what's wrong?" I asked as me and Lucien walked through a forest together hand in hand.Lucien had been looking down all day."Lucien" I called again after stopping down the long pathway through the forest.He sighed before looking at me and replying "You are a princess and I,a commoner,what could I possibly get you for your birthday that you don't already have?"."you already gave me your friendship,what more could I ask of you dear Lucien?" And his eyes immediately lit up and he grinned like a Cheshire Cat before pulling me into a bone smashing hug."what did I do to deserve the greatest women like you?"Lucien said with a soft voice."You will..have to buy..me...a rib...if you..don't let go"I finally choked out."oh,sorry" he replied finally realizing that he was holding me tightly still and instantly released me.I grabbed his hand,delinking our fingers before walking back to a hole at the bottom of the castle that nobody knows about,and I also use every time I sneak out with Lucien.I and Lucien gave out hugs and good byes before I crawled down in the hold that led into a secret stair case that lead into my closet and into my room.As I climber out I pushed my clothes in front of the hole and realized how dirty my summer dress was.Suddenly someone started knocking on my door,"yes?" I said uneasy and I quickly jumped under my covers so whoever came in couldn't see my dirty dress."Darlene,my princess,may mother come in?",I soon realized it was my mum and she would question me if she saw me so I replied with "just a minute mum".I quickly pushed my dirty shoes under my bed before positioning myself under the covers."you may come in"as soon as those words left my mouth my mother came in and smiled at me which I happily returned.She walked over to me after she closed the door and cupped my face in her warm hands and smiled "Look at you my baby,you will be a official 10 year old child tomorrow,double digits,my love"she said with a fond look in her eyes.My mother is truly the most beautiful woman on earth,she had brown hair like silk and brown eyes like a dessert that the chefs usually cooked for me."I know mummy,I'm excited,I cannot wait for Lucien to come and meet some of the other princess and prince,I even taught him how to address everyone"I said with a big grin on my face,But as I said "Lucien" her face turned more into a scowl.She never liked the commoners around me,she says they "have germs"or "a sicknesses to spread"."Mum,you must be polite to Lucien,he is a very kind man and he is my best friend,mummy please,for me" I said and then gave her what she called "puppy eyes". She sighed,"fine,but you better behave"she said getting up off my bed. I'm too excited for I and for Lucien,"thank you,thank you,thank you mummy" I said jumping up and grabbing her hands in mine "I promise,he will not disappoint",I tell her,"I know he won't because he has you to help him" she replied softly.Making me smile before pulling her into an embrace,she was taller then me so I wrapped my arms around her torso and smile."I love you,mummy"I whispered."I love you more,my love"she replies,"I love you most I told her before realizing I was still in my dirty dress and I pulled away and told her "I must look for a dress tomorrow" before nudging her out the door,she simply nodded before kissing my cheek and closing the door.Thats what I loved the most about my mummy,she just understood me and she also smelled of coconut palates.I took off my dress and threw on a silk sleeping gown.I walked to my closet and looked at the dress I had chose last week.I kissed the sparkled sleeve before closing my closet and laying in bed.This is gonna be the best day ever.

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