Good bye camille...

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Above^^^^^^^^^^ is the image that Darlene was seeing..

Darlene's p.o.v:

I stopped half way as a image of 1 baby flashed thorough my mind,I thought I was having illusions so I kept walking.I got to luciens pent house and I knocked,the door was half way open and loud music was blaring.I walked past all the compelled or dead women and went to Lucien's room.

Luciens p.o.v:

I was anxious about Darlene being here,I'm going to tell her how I truly feel for her and she was going to either  respect it or hate me.I waited patiently until Darlene stuck her head in past the closed door and covered her eyes with her hands and said "Are you indecent,Lucien?",I laughed at her before saying "No,but I bet you wish I was" and I smirked,she chuckled before walking in,she grabbed my arms and pulled me into a sweet and swarm embrace,"Lucien,you have always been there for me,you had trusted me when no one else could,you put your faith in me,and even though I'm not in love with you,I think I could put that behind me and learn to love you for the sake of-" Darlene said cutting herself off at the end before taking a deep breath,"for the sake of our child" she said finishing her sentence.My heart immediately sped up,I couldn't believe the woman I've loved since childhood is having my child,I know it's cheesy,but it's like a dream come true."Lucien?" She said concerned,so I picked her up by the waist and swung her around and kept repeating,"I'm gonna be a dad" and she just laughed the whole time,I put her down and balanced he on her feet,I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her close to me before gently placing my lips on hers,she was stunned and she tried to kiss back but she was obviously uncomfortable,so i pulled away and smiled at her before saying,"I promise I'll be the best and greatest father ever,As long as this kid doesn't ever think his dick is bigger then mine,then I won't be mad at him or her" and she smiled before pecking my lips and saying "I'm going to go back to my friends and hang out with them before they leave" and she got up and started to walk away,leaving me in a good mood until I though about what Camille was compelled to do and how cami was a newly vampire and I said "Wait" and she turned around,"Cami is a vampire and I may have bit her" I whisper and there was silence,I look up and she had tears drenching her face,"what did you just say?" She asked me with venom dripping her voice,she knew what happened to fin when I bit him and she was immediately mad at me for 2 months and avoided me and didn't tell me about the baby for 2 months and she stayed in mystic falls for 2 months,so I knew this was unforgivable.Before I could even respond she broke down in tears and said "I love her like she is my sister and you killed her" she got up an dusted herself off before wiping her tears and saying "There has to be a cure,klaus's blood healed the one he bit,yours must do the same" she said,"We've already tried" I muttered and she vamp sped away.

Darlene's p.o.v:

My heart felt like it was being ripped so ruthlessly from my chest,the last time I felt like this,I was being left alone by the love of my life,Niklaus.I vamp sped to the compound,I bust through the fires to see everyone,well Davina,Josh,Marcel,klaus,Elijah,Hayley,Rebekah,kol,and Tristan.Everyone looked at me with a sad expression as if they didn't know what to say."I came from mystic fall,I brought back Caroline,Elena, and Bonnie,I was super excited,I was gonna have a sleepover with Davina,Josh,Hayley,Rebekah,Caroline,Elena,Bonnie and...Camille...then I find out she's on her death bed and I-I have to see her...cause I refuse to believe any of this" I say as quietly as I can.Davina walks toward me in the middle of the silence and wraps me in her arms where I break down and start crying.

Klaus's p.o.v:

I felt worse and uncomfortable as did everyone else as we watched darken let down her hard core guard.Her and Elijah were so much alike in these ways,they were both polite and respectful,but they both also worried about everyone else instead of themselves and they hid there emotions away and here Darlene was,letting everything show.

Elijah's p.o.v:

I felt for Darlene,she was always happy and strong, and even stronger then I.I slowly approached her and Davina,Davina backed up and Darlene looked up at me with tear filled eyes and through her arms around me as she cried and it broke my heart to see her so broken.I just wanted her to laugh and smile like she usually did,Lucien was going to die after this.I grabbed Darlene's hand in mine and walked her to Camille and she took one look at Camille and started crying and Camille wrapped her arms around her weakly as I left her and walked out of the now closed room as we all listened to them.

Darlene's p.o.v:
"Darlene don't cry,I'm gonna be fine,ok?" Camille said while rubbing my head,I got under the covers beside her and hugged her,"Camille,You are amazing and kind hearted and sweet and beautiful,Without your light shining upon me and my baby,how am I supposed to feel hole" I breathed through sobs."When your baby is born,tell her that her aunt Camille said that she better get her shit together an stay close to the mikaelson's or maybe stay far away from them" Camille said and we both laughed through the tears,"Please don't leave me,cami,I love you,soul sister" I said cradling each other in each other's arms. She kissed my head and said "Just promise me that you'll stay respectful and perfect for me and promise that you'll be brave and that you'll stay close to the mikaelsons and Tristan and Lucien,cause they make you happy and that's all I'll ever want is for you to be happy,Also write me a song,I've always wanted a song written about me,ok?,promise?" And I just nodded and said "I love you and I promise,Always and forever" and she smiled,"I love you too,Always and forever" before she closed her eyes and I kissed her cheek as veins made there way through her body,I screamed as loud as I could,Then I broke down in tears as I held her against my body.I couldn't believe it, Good bye Camille,I love you.


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