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That last chapter thing that day spoiler is just an idea,nothing more nothing less.

Darlene's p.o.v:

The first thing I did was walk straight into the compound,I was greeted by a lot of vampires and freya.She recognized me and screamed "klaus,your girlfriend's here to talk to you","actually I'm here to see all of you" I said and she looked cautious but never the less she screamed "Everyone get down here klaus's girlfriend needs us apparently" and in the snap of a finger,klaus,Elijah and kol where all in here.Klaus came to my side and kissed my cheek then pulled away and smirked at my red cheeks and said " it's great to see you,my love","which I could say the same" I replied causing kol and Elijah to laugh.Elijah kisses my hand and smiles at me and says "You where wonderful yesterday,You have a perfect voice","Thank you,Elijah,at least one of you mikaelson's are a gentleman and not a blood stealing hog" I said and freya laughed and klaus and kol glared daggers into me."Well what do you need?" Klaus asked and I sat down before reaching in my bag and pulling out these drawings.

"Well what do you need?" Klaus asked and I sat down before reaching in my bag and pulling out these drawings

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Everyone looked bewildered and I just sighed and said "I keep seeing these people and things in my dreams what is it who are they",Elijah spoke up and said "That you well know is Rebekah in 972 A

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Everyone looked bewildered and I just sighed and said "I keep seeing these people and things in my dreams what is it who are they",Elijah spoke up and said "That you well know is Rebekah in 972 A.D,That man you see is Stefan Salvatore,a man who was in love with the dopple gangër that Niklaus needed to sacrifice in order to break the curse set upon him and make his werewolf side non dormant and that is...ummm..that's Mrs.Forbes,her name is Caroline" he said stuttering over some words."Okay,well who's Caroline to klaus,why are they all over each other in the photo?" I said and kol noticed the jealous clearly dripping from my voice and he smirked and klaus said "kol dont" but it was too late he already started saying "Caroline was klaus's little girlfriend,he did everything for her,he even gave up his revenge fantasy for her,She and him apparently prefer sex in the woods verses how I prefer it,but,eh,beggars can't be choosers,don't you think klaus?" And I was stated to tear up,he couldn't give up anything for me,but he could do it for her and apparently she had him whipped.Klaus vamp sped over to kol and snapped his neck."klaus!She was gonna find out one way or another,tip to advice darling,don't let klaus get to you,Tristan and Lucien both truly love you,so you don't need that" freya said to me,"come over here so I can find out why your having these dreams" I got up and walked towards her and klaus gently grabbed my arm and said "Don't hate me,just talk-" but I cut him off by ripping my arm out of his grasp and going over to freya.She cut klaus's and Elijah's arm and placed there blood in a pan before rubbing her index fingers in the bluff and putting it to my head."Elijah,klaus,it's important if you 2 see this" freya said and she held out my arms,for them to bite,"No,I'm not hurting her in anyway possible"klaus said,"You already hurt me mentally!" I screamed and he said "I DIDNT MEAN TO HURT YOU,I WOULDNT EVER DO SUCH A THING" he screamed back and I was gonna yell back at him until Elijah spoke up and said "Don't you dare yell at her Niklaus,you two may be having a disagreement,but you will not yell or throw your tantrums" and klaus just sat down on his couch and started drinking his new bottle of scotch.Elijah steps forward and wrapped his hands around my waist,making klaus growl and we all just I gnomes him,I tilted my head back giving him better access to my neck.He gently kissed my neck up and down until he stopped and bit into my neck.I closed my eyes and flinched as it happened,so I focused on his arms round my waist and closed
My eyes.Freya started the spell and I saw flashes in my head of the same people,Caroline was being tortured by something and screaming "someone please save me",then it faded out and flashed to a picture of me and Stefan holding hands and me and him are in the compound helping marcel find something that I just whispered to Stefan and my eyes widened.Rebekahs photo is back in 972 A.D when they burnt down the white oak tree,but then a seed was found by some kid and he picked it up and then it flashed over to a picture with me and Elijah,KISSING and then we stopped and stopped talking to each other for apparently a long time and klaus found out and tried to use something on him and then I was pulled out the trance by klaus and Elijah shaking me,Apparently I collapsed and wouldn't wake up after Elijah stopped feeding on me because of something he saw,me and him kissing,he told klaus what he saw and klaus looked between us before punching Elijah in the face and he growled "Dont you touch her or I'll kill you myself" he said.I knew he was gonna try to hit him and start a bigger fight,so I wrapped my arms around his waist and vamp sped somewhere special that I knew would calm him down.

Klaus's p.o.v:

I was fuming.If Elijah thought he was going to take Darlene away from me,he had another thing coming.Darlene pulled me out of my rant by tightening her grip on my torso before laying her head on my body and staring at something.I put my arms around her and held her back and put my head on hers and I looked to see where we were.I gasped"Is this...?" I said and she looked up at me and smiled saying "I thought you'd forget" and I replied and looked her in the eyes before saying "How could I ever forget the place where I first asked to kiss you".She looked up at me with her shining blue eyes and said "You know,we never got to finish that kiss" she smirked,I leaned in to kiss her until she said "You also never told me who Caroline was"and she let go of me and vamp sped away and I was worried for New Orleans and there humans there cause when she's jealous or angry she can do pretty bad things.

Third person p.o.v:

Little do they know that Darlene went straight to Tristan and cried her eyes out,he didn't know why,so he did what he thought could take her mind off it and pulled her on top of him and kisses her,she kissed back immediately and they made oh until they couldn't breathe and they pulled back,Tristan smiled and said "I love you Darlene,please don't ever leave me again" and darlene just smiled and said "I'd never leave you unless I had too",and he said "Well let's hope it doesn't get to that" and she just smiled once again before pulling him into another kiss.He then pulled her shirt over her head and pushed her on the bed before taking off his shirt and getting back on her and when she saw his eyes they were dark with lust.And he slammed his lips back into hers.They had a long night.

Trying to think of something interesting for next chapter like her meeting hope or all of them finding out about Lucien turning himself into whatever he was.🎀Until then🎀 💎luv u💎-Aaliyah mikaelson

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