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Lucien's p.o.v:

Me,klaus and Tristan all stood still as Darlene walked out,a child,Darlene pregnant.Its sounded ludicrous to everyone but she just admitted it herself,"So besides me,which one of you idiots also have the possibility of being the father" I said,klaus glanced at Tristan and Tristan simply muttered "I do",that's just fucking perfect."Well that's amazing,all 3 of us being a father,or possibility in that matter,but klaus do you really want another baby mikaelson and an uptight baby Tristan walking around,is just boring,I say we don't ask questions and let me be the father,plain and simple." I stayed but klaus said "no happening,why would we want another annoying and cry baby ass arrogant little baby castle around,I say it's not that hard,if your the father,step up for it and raise the kid,if not,then move on so Darlene can have a happy life",me and Tristan nodded put heads in agreement bad we each separated,I was mad,what if it wasn't my kid then what?. I was itching to spill some blood and especially a blonde therapist's blood.

Klaus's p.o.v:

I felt worried and concerned but also happy and curious.I wanted Darlene's baby to be mine well ours more then anything,Hayley would be happy since that's her friend,hope would have a sister or brother ,my siblings would have another baby to protect and spoil and I would have the love my life,all of it seemed perfectly in place.I was worried cause Darlene hasn't answered anyone's calls and she was spotted leaving town.Il let everyone leave and it was only I,Elijah,Hayley,Davina,Josh,kol,
Rebekah,and Josh.I hugged Rebekah seeing as she finally returned from her unpleasant rest at a bottom of a ocean."When can I see Darlene,I miss her,the lay time I saw her it was tragic" Rebekah said and I thought back to what happened the last time Rebekah saw her.
Klaus's p.o.v:
Lucien fed ruthlessly on a maid,as I fed on the other side,We were having a great time until we heard a gasp and I looked up to the hall to see Darlene stating with her mouth wide open,Lucien tried to hold back but his veins and fangs came out,he went to attack Darlene,but Rebekah stood in front of him defending and protecting Darlene.Rebekah turned around and looked at Darlene,Rebekah's veins an fangs popped out and scared Darlene.She screamed as loud as she could before taking off down the stair case toward the vervain garden that circled a tree.Rebekah punched Lucien and the face before saying "I just lost my best friend because of you,your going to pay" and I started crying,I lost the woman I loved more then anything.

Klaus's p.o.v:

I knocked myself out of the old thought and back to reality.I explained what has happened in the past time and Rebekah was over Joyced,she kept going on and on about how she'd be a aunt again.Elijah was sad,he said if another baby mikaelson is born that means more possibility of Darlene's happy baby being hurt or worse and Darlene would possibly die the way Hayley did.

Darlene's p.o.v:

I made my self a little home in mystic falls,I went to a nearby baby shop place and started picking things out for the baby,I was scared to get it wrong cuz I lost my mother so young and I barely have any experience with kids.Then a woman walks in and sees me having a difficulty and smirks,It was Aya,one of the strix members."If your here to try to get me to go back to New Orleans,you are wasting your time cause I'm a 1,000 year old vampire and I may be pregnant but I still will kick your butt" I said looking at toys still,she chuckled before saying," I came because I want to help you with the baby,you know,get the stuff decorated,compel things for the little one,take you to check ups and all" she said lightly,"Excuse my manners but why?" I said slowly,"Because if it's Tristan's then the least I can do is help and because Tristan loves you and he would want me to help and he took me in when I had nothing so my service is for him,also because I have my own child,she 19,a vampire and she is in college getting her science degree and she's a bright and beautiful and if it was me,is want someone to help me with her too" Aya said softly,I smiled and replied "What was her name?","Anya"She said.She put her arm around my shoulder and said "Let's go get a check up,I know a witch who will check your up without asking questions" and I smiled and said "yeah let's go".We took some toys that worked for boys and girls and dropped them off at the 3 story house Aya got for me me the baby and she told me about how other strix members would be staying to help that's why the house of so big.We vamp sped to the with and she mad me lay down while she put this white sticky stuff on my slightly rounded stomach,she waved her hands over my stomach and then this picture showed up on this wall,she handed me the picture and I could see a tiny little baby inside of my stomach and I smiled at Aya who took the picture and put it in my purse.

Aya's p.o.v:

"The baby is perfectly healthy and it's a tough cookie,the baby is really strong and ,no problems what so ever" the with said and I stepped outside,"I told you,Darlene and the baby are fine so you need to stop worrying and leave us alone" I said hanging up on klaus,I told him not to talk during the whole last 10 minutes of talking about the healthy baby,so I could prove to him that she was fine and we didn't need him.

Darlene's p.o.v:

As I laid down the witch hovered her hands above my stomach again and said some weird witchy words."I know who's the father of your baby,If you want I can tell you" The witch named Halen said."Also you need to come see me once every month a small next month I can get you a gender and I can also help you give birth to the baby if you want",I smiled and said "Please do,your really sweet and I want you to be my doctor,thank you and about the father..",Halen smiled and said "Well the father is...

To be continued

Someone tell me who the father should be,I'll do it tho,I'll probably update when I can,no longer then a week cuz I got school tomorrow.Hope you EnJoYeD LUV YOU-AaLiYaH mIkAeLsOn

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