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Darlene's p.o.v:

I woke up to a sleeping klaus,I looked at him and smiled,but I knew this was more then wrong,I can't keep leading them on like this,But I hate to say that I couldn't help it,I love Tristan,but I love klaus and I have feelings for Lucien.This is all to much for me,I got up and put on my Jeans,I grabbed my shirt just to realize it was ripped in half.So I grabbed his and slippe it over my head,while keeping it over my jeans.I called Hayley and told her what happened,even the klaus thing,she said "it's fine,I don't like him,try not to end up pregnant,yeah?,also I won't tell anyone else about the klaus thing,I promise,I'll just tell them that your coming home soon,I love you and miss you Darlene,come soon","I will I promise" I said before putting my phone back in my pocket."I think you have my shirt on,my love,but don't worry you can make it up to me by letting us have another night to ourselves" klaus said from behind me and I turned around and replied "First of all you ripped my shirt in half an second of all,what happened last night stays in that room,third of all that's not happening again,It's a one time thing".He looked sad and hurt,so he turned around bad he was about to walk up the stairs when I snaked my arms around his torso and said "But this can happen just one more time" I said before kissing him gently and he instantly deepened the kiss by pulling my waist closer,and when I pulled away he said "Fine,I'll obey your 3 little rules" and I smiled before giving him a peck on the lips and said "thank you",before vamp speeding home.I walked in everyone came and hugged me,but Jackson,Hayley's little husband,said "I can smell klaus all over her from here,You had people worried sick about you,while you were off doing it in some hotel with klaus",Lucien and Tristan looked me in the eyes,Lucien looked angry and Tristan looked like he was gonna cry."is it true,No,you wouldn't do that to Tristan,you told me you loved him" Davina said,"I do love him..." I whispered,as I suddenly felt tears streaming down my cheeks,"Don't put on a show,You don't love any of them,do you?,Your just as worthless as klaus and-" Jackson was gonna finish his sentence when Tristan threw him against a wall,making him unconscious."Hayley,When he wakes up,tell him if he ever talks about Darlene like that again,I'll rip his tongue out",he vamp sped over to me and grabbed my waist before taking us somewhere else,he put his hand on my cheek and wiped some stray tears away,"Am I really that worthless?OF COURSE I AM" I screamed at myself,but Tristan just put my hands in his before saying "Darling,there's nothing wrong with you,your perfect the way you are and I swear to you that dog is stupid".I looked up and met his eyes before looking down and saying,"I'm sorry I did I this to you,It's hard though,I mean,I love you uncontrollably Tristan and that'll never change because I'd do anything for you,but I can't deny the feelings I have for klaus and Lucien,In sorry I'm a stupid whore",I looked up to see tears streaming down his face and he whispers"It's fine,I was stupid to believe someone could love me as much as I love them,I just want you to know that I do love you more then anything and it hurts that you don't love me the same"and I was going to tell him i do but he vamp sped off,leaving me in my own thoughts.I sat down and cried cause that's all o could do right now.

Lucien's p.o.v:
I just fun shed my transition into whatever I am now and I'm fully aware that my bite is lethal to vampires and had a cure that no one knows of,also that I'm way stronger then any orignal also that whatever I am can become a dad like little ol klaus so let's stay clear of women.
This is Gonna be fun,I went to see Darlene to show her how powerful I am and when I saw her my body filled with love and lust and I could smell the alcohol everywhere in her pent house.She was dirty dancing on a table and she came up to me and grabbed my waist and slurred her words as she said "It's....Ummmm nice to see you my bugga boo,remember when we did the dirty in you room and I started hating you for it well it's really because I'm made you didn't ask me to come see you again the next night,You have a really big muscle has anyone ever told you..!...Your hair so fluffy and will you juts fuck me already?" And I didn't hesitate when I pushed down onto the bed nd started ripping clothes off,What a wonderful night this was gonna be.

5 hours later:
Darlene's p.o.v:

I woke up again and saw Lucien and again I left except this time I went to my living room and cleaned up the smell of alcohol and alcoholic girls and guys.I told Hayley about all this and she laughed told me that Davina and Josh are cranky without me,so I promised to go see them tomorrow or later on.I went to my room nd saw Lucien was gone,so I cleaned up and hired someone to fix my head board after Lucien broke it.I was cleaning up some more when i thought about how Tristan had part witch in him and Lucien was some kind of new monster(I found out by Elijah)and that he could produce babies and that I already knew that klaus could produce kids,I kept thinking of all the ways I could have a kid if I was human since I've been with them all,until I heard a bump bump,bump bump the sound of a heart beat was really close to me,I looked around and saw  nothing and I tried to follow the sound but it was just so close to me already,I heard this yesterday and thought I was hearing something.I stopped moving and looked down and put my fingers on my stomach,and the beating was coming from MY STOMACH.

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