Chapter 1

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Welcome to the first chapter of this fanfiction :)
First of all I just want to inform you that I'm not from Korea or America so I don't know how the school system works, so I might not get everything right
Also I will post Monday, Wednesday and Friday ^.^
Other than that, enjoy! :)

Jimin POV

I rushed through the big doors to the school. It was only my first week in college and I was already running late to one of my classes. The school layout seemed confusing to me and I could hardly wait for the day, where I didn't have to run to my every class.
I ran a hand through my hair as I looked at the numbers of the rooms. I ran a little faster as I spotted the right room, I just got to sit down take a deep breath and the teacher entered.
The bell rang and class was dismissed. I sighing walked out after gathering my stuff. I had some time left before my next class and I sort of knew where that one was located, so I headed for the library instead. As I walked down the hall, something caught my ear. A sweet sound of a piano playing somewhere. I wasn't sure if I should follow it but my feet was already moving towards the sweet sound. I looked into different rooms before I saw a boy sitting at a piano. His eyes were closed which gave him a peaceful look on his face, his fingers was busy playing. I murmured a woaw under my breath out of admiration.
The boys figure was slim and he had black hair that fell onto his forehead. He didn't look too tall but neither was I, which was proven as I had to stand on my tip toes to look into the little window on the door.
I was completely absorbed in the playing so it took me a second to see, the boy was ending the piece. I didn't want the boy thinking I was stalking him so I quietly slipped away from the door, and continued my quest to the library.

Yonngi POV

As my fingers left the piano, I noticed a movement over at the door. Though when I looked no one was there. I quietly stood up and walked the few steps to the door, I opened it and looked out in the hall. A little further down a boy was walking. I recognized him as one of the freshman's. I remember noticing him as he has dyed his hair blonde. He had had a gentle smile on his plump lips and he wasn't too tall, just like me.
The boy walked out the doors and I returned to the piano. If I had been an outgoing person, I would probably have called after him, asking him if he heard me play and what he might think. But I wasn't outgoing and I knew in a million years, I would never ask anyone to comment on my playing.
I sighed and looked at the time. I had to get to class but I wondered for a split second if I should just skip it. Pouting my mouth I thought for a while, then I decided against it. I grabbed my bag and headed for my class.
When I got inside the classroom I took the seat at the very back. People were already gathered in small groups talking about different things. I looked at them and rolled my eyes. I never really were a part of them. I was the weird guy in the back, who never spoke and owned an impressive amount of black clothing. I knew what they thought about me and I wasn't bothered. I had no desire taken part in  their lives which was filled with parties and whatever gender they might be into. I had other things to worry about like trying to keep my anxiety on a low level as possible. I usually managed pretty well but sometimes it would slip and I had to leave.
The last students entered the room followed by our teacher. I sighed and class began.
Only five minutes to go and I seriously thought class had never been so boring. I nearly counted the seconds left of the long dragged class, but decided to just fix my eyes on the clock. When it finally brought mercy on me with it's ringing I stood up and quickly gathered my stuff. I headed for the cafeteria as my stomach growled for some food. I put my headphones in on the way, nothing could ever really calm me down like music.
The music turned up to a volume, where I would be able to hear people call my name, like they actually would do that, I entered the cafeteria. A lot of people was in there and I had to take a deep breath. When it failed to work I thought about, the four things that made me happy. Music, piano, basketball, taking pictures. I repeated them a few times in my head before walking over to the food. I decided on a light meal and scanned the room for a free place to sit after I got it. I spotted a place that looked fine, the table nearly empty except for the blond haired boy and a boy sitting across him with black hair.
I headed for the seat at the opposite end of the two freshman's, my music still playing in my ears, like my very own background music to a sad movie.
I sat down and began to eat quietly. My mind drifted to all sorts of things, mostly things I didn't want to think about. I hadn't even noticed that a junior was now sitting with them. The junior's name was Seokjin better known as Jin. He was pretty well known as he was nice to everyone and always helped out with any sort of problem you might have. Sometimes he was followed my a flock of girls as they thought he was handsome. More than once had I heard a girl claim, she would die if she ever got a date with him.
I couldn't quite figure out how the two freshman's knew him but I figured it wasn't really my problem. I mean after all I knew him and I was sophomore.
I continued to eat and I was nearly done when I felt like the three other boys at the table were staring at me. I let my eyes fall on them for a quick second. The blonde boy blushed red from whatever reason, I was sure shouldn't worry me. Though I couldn't help to turn my music down, trying to catch their words, so much for my cold attitude and not caring. I couldn't quite catch Jin's word but a few words did find their way to me. Something with sophomore, quiet, nice enough, headphones, to himself. I quickly gathered the nature of the conversation that seemed to be about me. I thought about what to do, as I wasn't use to people talking about me. After a small debate inside my head, I decided to turn the volume up again and take my food to throw out. They could talk about me all day if they wanted, in the end they would realize how of a sad topic it really was.
I threw the food out and walked outside to get some fresh air. The summer was still trying to figure out it was time for fall to take over, so it was quite hot. As I walked I suddenly realized I had forgot my bag. I cursed myself for being so stupid. I had been so distracted by them talking about me, I hadn't even thought twice about it. I sighed and turned around to walk back when I crashed directly into someone. We both got knocked a few steps back and then my eyes fell on the blonde boy, holding my bag in his hands.

That was 1st chapter I hope you enjoyed it ^.^

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