Chapter 6

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Sorry I'm uploading later than usual, I was busy all day :/

Wednesday morning we ate breakfast together, being that annoying couple who fed each other and shared kisses in between bites. I'm pretty sure the whole school knew by now that we were together, seeming as we had done this every morning. We would meet up as much as possible and when we were done with classes for the day, we would either go to play piano, go for a walk or try to find out if one of our rooms were free. I was yet to meet Taehyung and I think Jimin hadn't met Namjoon before. Though we liked to keep it a little to ourselves, I mean yeah we kissed his public and held hands but actually doing those thing in a small room, with another person next to us, seemed like it was a little too much to bare.
When we were done eating breakfast, Jimin followed me to class, our hands intertwined. As we reached the classroom, Jimin put on his most adorable puppy eyes.

"I'm going to miss you." He said and placed his hands on my shoulder, close to my neck.

"I know baby, I'm going to miss you too." I said and slid my arms around his lower back and pulled him in.

"Can't we just skip classes today and go to my room and cuddle?" He asked me with a pout. He looked so freaking cute, I felt like my heart was going to explode.

"You know we can't, but I promise after our last classes, we will cuddle so much, you'll never want to cuddle again." I said and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

"That will never happen, but sure go ahead and give it a try." Jimin smiled, this especially sweet smile, he always got when I said stuff like that.

"You know I will." I said and the bell rang so loud, like it was trying to tear Jimin and I apart. I felt my heart sink just a little as I had to leave Jimin. I leaned in and kissed him shortly but Jimin put his hand on the back of my head and held me steady so it became a longer kiss than I intended. I was sure that we were giving one hell of a performance to the people who could see us through the open door of the class.
At last we pulled away and I smiled to Jimin before saying goodbye and going into my class. Knowing that the whole class would be wasted as my mind would be on my blonde haired boyfriend.
When I walked down the hall after my class, I got a text from Jimin asking if I could meet him in the music room. There was no smiley to trace in the text, not even a heart and that made me worried as Jimin always used at least five smileys. I hurried to the music room all sort of scenarios running through my head.
When I reached the room, I quickly went inside, and I couldn't see Jimin. My heart beat picked up but then I heard the door close behind me and I turned around to see my smiling boyfriend, clearly having set me up.

"Worried?" He asked me with a cheeky voice. I went over to him, my heart not having settled yet and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Jimin seriously, that's not cool. I was so worried." I said and pulled away to look at him and saw his smile had faded and he looked genuine sorry. He put his hand on my chest and surely felt my heartbeat which was still trying to calm down, he looked at his hand, avoiding my eyes.

"I'm sorry Yoongs, I just missed you." He said and pouted for the second time that day. I couldn't help but take a relived breath and smile slightly. I caressed his cheek which made him look at me.

"It's okay beautiful. I was just worried since I lo-like you so much." I said and he nodded his lips slowly turning upwards.

"Can I kiss you now?" He asked and I didn't answer instead, I leaned into him and kissed him. His hand slid from my chest to the back of my neck as he deepen the kiss. I put my hands on his back and pressed him into myself while his other hand was on my shoulder. I loved standing like that with Jimin, where it didn't seem like time was even a thing. Our lips were attached like they never meant to let go for more than a few seconds a time. It was extremely soft and it sort of felt like more than a kiss, like we were confiding something in each other. I wasn't sure exactly how long we stood like that and I for sure didn't care. Though Jimin was the one to pull away first.

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