2nd Fall from Grace Part I

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   Rebecca had been with them a week, her company was not as pleasant as Pandora's and she spent most of her time sitting silently staring at the T.V. but not really watching it. She wasn't one for conversation, in life, in life she'd been vibrant and colorful, the best hostess he'd ever known but in undeath she was silent and drab; becoming one of the undead had changed her more than most.

Able sat at his usual booth with his silent companion watching Aria move about the club, less and less people messed with her now that he had shown up two individuals and there was talk about him being a possessive boyfriend which grated on his nerves. He watched as Aria drew closer and smiled when she stepped up beside him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"I need to go to the ladies room." She mumbled, even over the loud music they could hear her; without a word Rebecca stood up and followed her.

Watching Rebecca and Aria walk off side by side was like looking at a painting that half of it was black and the other half white the contrast between them was so different. Rebecca was strait backed and stately yet glaringly feminine while Aria was more humble in appearance; yes she walked strait backed and head up but mortals just could not walk with the rigidity with which a vampire could. He watched until they disappeared into the ladies room then waited patiently to see them exit again. They couldn't have been in the room any more than a couple minutes when Aria came tumbling out backwards holding her side; instantly he was on his feet and moving so fast only the other vampires could see him. His stomach sank when he smelt her blood, once he got there he noted a gash on the side of her stomach and she looked terrified; she'd been stabbed. Not even thinking he hefted her up and carried her up the staircase to the party room above, her boss must have seen her because he was hot on his trail.

"What's happened?!" He questioned in a panic, as screaming and cursing sounded on the stairs.

"First aid kit and call an ambulance." He snarled out, her boss fled to a bathroom and brought out a box then flipped open his phone and dialed it quickly.

"Yes, yes, Club Epiphany, one of my employees has been stabbed!" he stumbled into the phone, the screaming and cursing finally entering the room.

"Able..." Aria whimpered in a panic, "Able...it hurts." She cried.

"Shh, shh, cherie, I know it does, I'm here." He mumbled his senses all over the place, ripping open the box he tore at some gauze, "Please, turn away sir." He snipped to her boss that obeyed, grabbing her shirt he ripped it open and applied the gauze and pressure; the squalling continuing behind him, "Shut her up Rebecca." He snarled still unsure of even who the person was that had stabbed Aria.

"Able...I'm scared." Aria cried, looking at her face he saw the sheer terror and pain as tears streamed from the corners of her eyes. Reaching up with his free hand he wiped it first on the tatters of her shirt then wiped at her tears with his fingers.

"I know cherie, someone's coming, they'll be here as soon as they can okay." He soothed then kissed her trembling lips lightly. Lifting the gauze he examined the wound relieved that it didn't look very deep; certainly not deep enough to hit anything really.

"Quit moving leech." He heard Rebecca snarl, "You'll wait your punishment from our Lost Lord." Then he heard vampire skin against vampire skin as Rebecca slapped the person, "I'm sorry sir, I tried to get between them, but I was detained, two escaped through the bathroom window and this one is the one that stabbed her, I will hunt the other two down later and accept whatever punishment you have for my inability to do my job." Rebecca said in a humble tone; when it came to ranking amongst those in the Queens Army Rebecca was below him and only the Queen herself and Enrick were above his rank.

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