Part 36

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Albus woke up to Scorpius shaking him frantically.

"Scorp?" he asked sleepily.

"Albus, he's alive. Your dad's alive. He's alive."

Albus sat up so fast his head spun.


"It's not good. He might not be for long. Max left us a note, and she's in serious trouble. But Albus...he's alive." 

"My God," Albus whispered. "For real? You're not kidding? It's not April Fool's Day, Scorpius."

"I wouldn't kid about this," Scorpius said. "He's alive."

Albus stared at him for a moment.

Then he flung himself at Scorpius, throwing his arms around the other boy. This time Scorpius didn't hesitate, but hugged him with every ounce of strength.

Then their lips met, and they were kissing, not caring about the sleeping figures all around them, consumed in joy. 

Scorpius pulled away. "Come on," he said. "We've got to go find Max. She's in trouble."

Albus jumped out of bed and changed quickly, and then the two boys flew down the stairs, out of the castle, and into the chilly morning.

They walked across the grounds carefully, wands drawn, before scurrying into the forest. The snow had melted during the night, leaving a layer of frost that crunched gently under their feet as they walked, hand in hand.

Then Scorpius inhaled sharply.


"We have to go back, Albus."

"What is it?" Albus insisted.

"Albus, let's go—"

Albus followed his line of sight and gasped in horror.

Hanging high above the ground, suspended in the trees, a figure swayed in the wind.

A human. A dead girl. Staring sightlessly at them, neck twisted at an unnatural angle.

Albus was only dimly aware of Scorpius's hand gripping his. All he could see was the girl in the trees.


Max is dead, Max is gone.

Albus pointed his wand with barely trembling hands.

"A...Accio Max."

With an echoing creak, the trees released her and she free-fell, hitting the ground with a horrible thud.

Scorpius let out a sob.

"Who did this?" Albus whispered in horror.

"Albus, we need to go," Scorpius said, his voice shaking.

Dropping his wand, Albus turned and ran, not bothering to look where he was going, not caring.

Her name echoed in his head with every step until it all blended together.


He let out a frustrated scream as his body snapped stiff as a board and he toppled forwards onto the ground.

"Are you sad?" a voice taunted. "Your precious friend is gone?"

Albus couldn't speak.


"Yes, that was her name," Delphi said calmly. Albus could feel her peering into his mind. "Around this neck of the woods, we called her Maximum. Do you know what that means?"


"It means...I killed her with maximum force," Delphi smiled. "Isn't it fascinating how that all works out?"


"And unfortunately, your father may not be dead, but rest assured—" she smiled pointedly, "—your brave winged friend was not so lucky."


"Speaking of your father..." Delphi's lips curved into a bright grin. "Would you like to say hello?"

She pointed her wand in the trees. "Locomotor Corporis."

Albus watched in horror as his father's body slowly floated through the trees, revolving in midair.

"Shall I wake him?" Delphi asked sweetly. "A quick reunion? Rennervate. There."

Harry slowly opened his eyes.

"Dad," Albus whispered, but Delphi shook her head.


Albus's tongue glued itself to the roof of his mouth...and loosened itself just as quickly.

What the hell?

There was definitely someone else there. Albus kept quiet.

"Albus," his father whispered. "What are you doing?"

Albus willed himself not to speak, not to give away that he could.

"He can't talk," Delphi gloated. "But he can feel."

She directed her wand at Albus.


Albus was encased in fire, his bones were shattering, his head was exploding, his skin was peeling off, he was dying, burning—

Eons later, the pain receded. Albus lay on the ground, not bothering to open his eyes. His throat felt raw and scraped. He knew he had been screaming.

"Another go?" Delphi asked softly. "Or should we let your father here in on the fun?"


Delphi's mouth opened, shocked.

And then she fell as the jet of emerald light hit her, slamming into the ground, lifeless and still.

Albus sat up fast, too fast. "Dad?"

Harry shook his head. "It wasn't me. Get up, Albus."

Albus lurched to his feet, holding out an arm for his father.  Harry scooped up his wand from where it lay near Delphi's body and muttered, "Lumos!"

The light fell on a boy in the trees, a boy with pale hair and pale eyes and a pale face, with a quivering wand and a horrified expression.

"Scorpius?" The words tumbled out of Albus's mouth.

"I killed her," Scorpius whispered.

Then he dropped to the ground, unconscious.

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