#Bonus 8, Food Is My Bae

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Please read the author's note at the end! :)


"Please be quiet." I said in a polite voice as I tried to calm down the five year olds running around the room creating a havoc.

"Oh my God Mae! What should I do?!" Cassie exclaimed from beside me as she tried to calm down a little girl crying her eyes out due to some reason.

"I don't know! They are not even listening!" I say frustrated running a hand through my hair.

"Ouch! You little sneaky fuc--" 

"Language!" I glared at Asher who had three kids hanging from his leg while he tried to balance himself. He looked at me with a pissed of look and I rolled my eyes and gestured towards all the kids around.

"Please listen to me!" I said in a calm tone but no one paid heed.

"Attention everyone!" 

No response.

"Please be quiet!"

 Again no response.

"Please, I beg you be quiet!" I said looking around at the mess.

"Quiet everyone!" 

I am done! I am SO done!

"SHUT THE FU-FRICK UP!!" I shouted climbing on the small blue table. Everyone immediately stopped and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Thank you for your attention." I said in a calm voice smiling brightly at them but...they outright looked scared of me...uhh..

If you are wondering we are at a kindergarten school because of some charity campaign organised by Ryan's parents....yes they do a lot of charity...anyways. First we thought it would be all rainbows and unicorns but...we didn't expect them to be the spawns of the devil himself.

Ryan was outside with his parents and some other guests while Asher, Cassie and I were inside trying to calm down the children before they come in. Ray called out last minute saying he was sick...which I am sure he isn't.

  Smart guy

"Listen everyone and listen carefully!" I say to them

"I want you all to be quiet and behave in an...acceptable manner when the others come in. Am I clear?" I ask in strict voice looking at all the mini demons.

"Why should we listen to you babe?" A kid with jet black hair and hazel eyes smirked at me. I looked at him in disbelief.  

He is freaking five!

All the other kids agreed to it and I looked at Cassie who slid her finger across her throat in a "we-are-dead" gesture.

"Umm umm" I tried to think of something to lure these children.

"Chocolate! Everyone will get chocolates!" I clapped happily and grinned but my grin faded when I saw them staring at me with a bored look.

  I thought kids love chocolates?

"That is SO an old excuse of bribing!" A blonde girl said flipping her hair. 

As if she knows what is bribing!

She doesn't...right?

"Fine! What do you want?" I ask exasperated.

A boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes stepped froward grinning.

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