SEQUEL- Smirks and Glares

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Okay people so here is the blurb of the sequel, which is Asher and Cara's story...yes I have not forgotten poor Asher.. :') But..But..I will be officially posting it after 13th October, I REPEAT, after 13th October. I will be postponing 'Faded' a bit and start this first. I have a lot of things at hand and want to have a clear mind to start a new story, therefore, I'll start it next week.


Expectations For The Day:

1. Wake up, have a nice shower and breakfast.

2. Get my precious coffee

3. Spend the boring day working, as usual.

Reality Of The Day:

1. Waking up late because the alarm ditched you the last moment.

2. Accidentally dying your hair bright red because you used the dye instead of the shampoo in a hurry and having burnt toast.

3. Finding a never ending line in the coffee shop for the first time in history and for the Espresso machine to stop working the moment your turn comes.

Oh! There is one more!

4. To run into Mr. Smirky Pants who makes you want to punch his jaw to wipe that smirk off.


"I..I am scared" I avert my gaze and look down frowning.

"Scared?" he asks with a confused look.

"Yes, scared. Scared of...of..."

"Falling?" he asks.

I look at him then slowly nod my head.

He came closer and bent towards me, " I won't let you fall..." he says with a smile.

I feel heat crawl up my neck and clear my throat "R-really?" I stutter a bit making me bite my tongue cursing mentally .

"Yes", he says and I close my eyes as his breath fan my ear.

"I have seen...the floor is not wet and there is no banana peel to slip on" he says and pulls back with a smirk.

I take a moment to process what he said then glare at him and turn around to leave

"But if you do..I won't let you...alone.." I hear him whisper to himself.


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