C.22~ Welcome To Yale

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"Where the hell are we going?" I asked when Xavier dragged me out of my bedroom Monday morning. I was glaring at my mom on the way out, blaming her for letting him in so early.

"It's only four in the morning?" I screamed, whirling on Xavier, "Why are you waking me up at four?" He took a step back in surprise, and for a second I felt a little guilty. He hadn't ever really seen me irritated or half asleep, and that was actually a great thing on his part.

"Yale, remember? We have to be back here tonight and it's a long drive." I rubbed my face and held the bridge of my nose.

"I thought we were staying a couple days?" I whispered.

"Can't. School starts today anyway, we're already skipping. And I have to be back here for. . . Mae." His voice dropped an octave at the mention of his sister. I decided not to make matters worse and pry.

"Xavier, I don't want to skip school-"

"It's one day on your perfect record, Bea. I'm not saying to make a habit of it or anything, but I want you to come with me." I sighed in defeat and stomped back toward my room to get dressed.

Xavier was going to be the death of me.

"Hey, Xavier?" I broke him out of his driving daze, and he glanced over at me.

We had been on the road for the last three hours, mostly listening to music or talking about Lily.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I can't believe graduation is only in a few months. God, I'm going to be an adult." I shook my head to myself, my eyes widening. I was technically already an adult, it just sounded weird saying it aloud.

"I thought for sure you were going to make some smart ass comment about me being a stripper there." He joked, laughing. I cracked a smile and shrugged.

"I was getting to that." I winked, "Hey, whatever happened to the Home Ec doll. Don't we have to turn it in tomorrow?" I asked, sitting up.

What had happened to that doll? I remember it being there one night

and then gone the next.

"Don't laugh at me, but I've been taking care of it at home. You know, when I have free time." He responded, earning a small smirk out of me.

"What?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I wanted to have to go through the pain you do with Lily, to know what it's like to be woken up in the middle of the night from a peaceful sleep from crying. I mean, I don't have to change it's diaper or anything like that, but I thought I'd put myself through what you have to every day." The smile fell from my face at his response. That had not been what I was expecting at all.

"So you've been taking care of a baby doll? Xavier, you didn't have to do that. You're there all the time for Lily. . ."

"But I'm not there enough. I'm not there when she wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, or when you're finally getting rest, when she wakes up and cries just because she wants you to hold her. I did have to do it, Bea. If not for Lily or you, then for me." I nodded, dropping my head so I was looking down at my lap.

I hadn't realized how hard Xavier had been trying to be a father. I could see how great he was with Lily, of course. But I hadn't realized he was putting himself through torture with that stupid baby doll.

"At least we'll get an A on the project." He joked again, cracking a grin in my direction. I laughed quietly, running a hand through my hair.

"We should get more than that," I said, "We're taking care of an actual baby. But Lily is definitely a reward in herself." I smiled as I looked back over at him. He was still nodding, a cold, a distant look in his eyes that seemed to be there a lot lately.

The Birds And The Bees (The Baby Project #1) (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now