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"So wait, hang on just a second here," Sarah said, giving her cousin a look over. Emily spoke frantically, the words never stopped coming out of her mouth. Emily expectantly stared at her.

"I need a second to process. You're telling me that some creepy popular girls at your school have magic-" Emily cut Sarah off.

"Not a bunch, just one that I know of," Emily said. Sarah sighed.

"A popular girl at your school has magic." Emily nodded. "And she can detect when we use magic." Emily nodded as Sarah kept speaking. "And you think they're out for you?" Sarah asked her dear cousin for a bit of clarification. Sarah cared for her cousin, heck, Emily and Alina were probably the closest things Sarah had to friends, but sometimes Emily was just a little crazy.

"Yeah, Emily, I'm sorry to say, but you sound absolutely insane right now," Alina said. Emily lay squished in between the two girls on the park bench. The park was easily Sarah's favorite place. When the birds chirped, and the way the water fountain rushed, it was the perfect place to read, or write, whichever she was in the mood for.

Some may call Sarah a bit of an outcast, but she preferred the term misunderstood novelist. She had a passion for her writings, and whenever she wasn't writing, she read. In classes, at brunch or lunch, or after school, she was always doing something that had to do with books.

"I'M NOT CRAZY, I SWEAR THOSE GIRLS HAD MAGIC!" Emily shouted. A few people taking strolls through the street stared at her. Her blonde hair flew about wildly as she shouted out in anger.

"Emily, calm down, people are going to hear you," Alina said, twirling her brown hair as she patted her cousin on the shoulder. Emily sighed.

"Look, you have to believe me here, these girl can do magic!" Emily exclaimed. Sarah gave her cousin that look, the look you give to someone that says 'I'll give you the benefit of the doubt'.

"Tell you what; I'll go to the library, do a little digging and see what I can find, alright?" Sarah said, placing her hand on Emily's other shoulder.

"Alright, thanks, guys," Emily said with a smile. Both of Emily's cousins smiled also. They waved their goodbyes as each went their separate ways; Sarah heading straight for the library.

Sarah appreciated the little things in life, those things being a walk down the busy street to the library. They lived on the west coast, in a bustling little city called La Costa. The streets were so nice, surprisingly clean with nice little beach houses running up and down the black roads. Trees grew from open spots in the gray sidewalk cement, kids ran about with ice cream, it was a great place. She didn't think she'd ever want to be anywhere else. Soon, she came across the great oak building that was the library. It was her all-time favorite place, the park a close second. She swung the familiar glass doors open and entered the magnificent building full of books.

Lining all the shelves in all the rows were books, fabulous books. Sarah had read plenty of them, but there were still so many mysteries in the unopened covers she never got to read. Sarah knew exactly what to do. She concentrated, and muffled under her breath.

"Lumine, deduc me in libris magicis." When she said these words, the room dimmed. Books, neatly stacked on the shelves, began to glow. Essentially, what the spell did was highlighted the books under the key word 'Magic'. It was a beginner's spell, and it didn't work with just books (but books were what it was meant for). She began to casually stroll about the shelves, scooping up books that seemed appropriate for her research, and placed the mall into a basket. She grabbed about ten total. Then she strolled over to the librarian, who smiled at her.

The World You Never ExpectedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang