Emily: Part 7

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Emily and Nate sat in Nate's car as they drove to Emily's house.

"Yes, Mom, no- I can- ok, I'll see you in a few weeks." Emily smiled through the phone and hung up.

"Few weeks?" Nate questioned.

"Yeah they- they moved to Alaska apparently and, well, they're having issues getting back," she sarcastically smiled.

"You could stay with me."

Emily thought back to her dream world and couldn't help but attempt to grab the ring that was no longer on her finger. "Ok."


When they pulled up, Emily looked at the tower that Nate lived in.

"I thought you were in col-" Emily attempted to get out of the car, but started to fall before Nate caught her.

"Ok, so, you can't walk." Nate picked her up bridal style and walked inside, ignoring the looks of the people inside.

"So I thought you were in college?" Emily questioned with her arms around Nate's neck.

"I uh-" Nate paused as they got into the elevator. "I just decided to take over the family business," he lied. Nate's family had owned a relatively good sized construction company that Meg was supposed to take over.

When the elevator reached the top floor, the doors opened. Nate walked until they reached Room 406. Emily's eyes widened as she was walked in. There was high ceilings, and everything was color coordinated and organized. There was lady who was in a expensive gray outfit in the middle of the room, she looked impatient.

"Nate you missed a very important meeting tod-" the lady in the room was cut off when she saw Nate holding Emily.

Without thinking Nate put Emily on the ground and let go before he caught her again as she started to fall. "Sorry," he said lowly.

The lady was still standing in the middle of the room, looking at Emily and Nate.

"Mom," Nate started. Mom! What?! "This is Emily." Emily then remembered when she meet Nate's mother... a year and a half ago, over Thanksgiving Break.

"Yes, we've met," Emily eyes widened as she remembered what the doctor had said. "I mean- I di- nice to meet you, Alice," she smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, Emily," Alice started to walked to the door. "I'm going to go, I know how long you'be been waiting for this." She eyed Nate.

There was a long silence before Emily finally said, "Want to hear about my dream world?"

Nate was sitting on his bed as Emily sat on his lap with her arms around his neck.

"So you and I were engaged, Sarah was studying at an elite school, and Alina was famous?" Nate recapped.

"Yep," Emily said as she started to touch her bare ring finger.

Nate looked up at Emily. "You know, maybe we should get you out of your hospital clothes."

Emily broke eye contact and blushed. "Oh... yeah...."

"My mom's in the living room." He smiled and helped Emily up.

To her and Nate's surprise, she could walk with a little support from Nate.

Emily walked over to Alice and asked the question.

"Oh yes! I have a closet full of clothes that would look wonderful on you!" She smiled and grabbed Emily's hand as she led her away.

After Emily had gotten an outfit, she was about to head out, but Alice insisted that she curl Emily's hair and that then they could have 'girl talk'.

"So Emily, how did you get a high school degree?" Alice asked.

"Well I wanted to go to collage earlier so I took double the classes and add in some summer school and well... technically I had a degree... or I should. It hasn't been worked out yet." Emily smiled "So are you a witch?"

Alice cringed at the word. "Yep, I assume you know that the triplets are siphons?"

"Yep." There was a short silence. "Anyway, how did you know who I was?"

"Nate talked about you all the time, how you got in a coma that ended you and your cousins in two years and you all woke up at the same time," Alice laughed at the irony.

"I don't remember fully I still have some... fill in the blanks," she lied. "I still don't know how I stayed in the hospital room for so long."

Alice's eyebrows moved together in confusion. "You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Nate, he payed for you to stay in the hospital."

"What?" Emily turned around.

"With his college money."

Emily's mouth dropped. "Hi-his..."

She stood up and stomped her feet through the room. Each stepped filled the room with more anger.

How could he? Was all this because he felt guilty for putting me in a coma?!

Emily came smashing through the doors with anger on her face.

She slapped him.

"What the fu-"

"You didn't go to college so I could stay in a hospital?!" she yelled.

"No I-"

"Why didn't you just let me be? Just because you felt guilty- that's so stupid. I- I-" she started to pace around. "Why would you do that?!" She faced him. "Do you want me to owe you something?!"

Why would he do that for me? I feel bad- No, why did he do that though!

Emily raised her hand to slap him again but he grabbed it and her other hand.

She tried to get out of his grip. "Nate let go of m-" she was cut off when Nate kissed her. She pulled away and walked off.

She took the elevator to the lobby, ignore Nate who was telling her to come back. When the doors for the elevator opened she rushed, people stared at her, and then Emily remembered that her hair was half curled. Emily continued to keep her head down, hoping that people would stop looking. When she got outside... it was raining.

Just my luck, cue the dramatic music.

Emily found the nearest phone both and called the number she had memorized for years.

Sarah's home phone number.

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