Alina: Eleven Years Ago...

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"Hi- wreeear!" the microphone squeaked as Alina spoke into it. She winced in disgust as the microphone hummed in its high frequency. She took in a deep breath and continued on.

"Hello. My name is Alina Littlier, and Mr. Philip Littlier was my uncle." Alina looked out to the crowd, awkwardly tugging a little bit of stray brown hair from her bun behind her ear.

She saw Emily, of course, waving her finger around practicing magic. Her bleach blonde hair was pulled back with a pitch bow. Her mom, Aunt Sabrina, was crying next to her, taking no notice of her daughter's misbehavior.

Sarah looked the oddest of all at this funeral. She'd never seen her cousin without a smile. Her dirty blonde hair looked shadowed, which was weird for her sunny personality always made it look bright like Emily's. Her sparkly hair bows that held her pigtails up looked like they only made her sadder, her tutu was unruly and ruffled. She'd never seen her cousin so sad.

And Aunt Jackie, Sarah's mom, wasn't moving. Her eyes didn't sparkle bright green, her motherly presence was gone. She was like the empty shell of a woman, face frozen in an emotionless gaze towards her husband's coffin.

"Um, I know we're all sad right now," she said with an awkward cough. "I miss Uncle Philip too. He was nice, and really smart. Sometimes, when my daddy didn't know the answer to my homework problems, it was like he could tell. He would teleport me over to his house and help me with it. It became a weekly thing. Every single Thursday, right before my daddy started making dinner, he would teleport me over and help me."

"I dunno who will help me count the sneakers on my homework, now. I'll probably just have to learn. But I'll miss my uncle a lot. And I'm glad Aunty Jackie put together this fooneral, cause now, we can all be sad together, and all take care of each other."

"I don't think my little speech was as good as my daddy's, but I spent a lot of time on it, and I hope you liked it." Alina smiled and waved a little as she concluded hr speech, and completely in tears, the audience clapped and she walked back to where her dad was siting and sat on his lap.

"See, Alina-bean, I told you they'd like it," he said with a grin. Alina smiled.

"I was so nervous, Daddy!" she whispered. He smiled.

"I know, honey. But you did so well!" he said, and he tickled her stomach a little. She giggled, and looked around to see an empty seat next to her dad.

"Daddy, did Mommy not come? You said she'd be here to hear my speech," Alina said with a frown.

"I know, Alina-bean. Your Mommy got caught up with work, but she said she'd try and be home for dinner tonight," he whispered back.

"Mommy always says she's busy at work..." Alina said with a pout. Alina saw Aunt Sabrina take the stage.

"Thank you for that, Alina. That was a great speech. I'm sure Philip would enjoy it," she said, her voice quivering to keep herself from tears.  Alina smiled without a care in the world.

"That speech concludes our ceremony.  There is food in the lobby, and it's an open casket if you wish to pay your respects.  We really want to thank you all for coming and celebrating the life of Philip James Littlier.  Enjoy yourselves."  With that, the mass of people disbanded, walking into different rooms and chatting to one another in gloom.  The three cousins met in the center of the lobby.

"Look!  I can make things change color now!" Emily squealed excitedly as she dashed over to her cousins in the lobby.  Alina tried to quiet her.

"Emily, now might not be a-"

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