Emily: Part 8

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"So we're going to Alina's?" Emily questioned Sarah as they were driving.

"Yep! Trio's back together, and I'm worried because her mom was kind of a bitch."

Emily thought back to all the time that Alina's mom forgot about Alina's birthdays, and when she forgot her in Europe because she ran off with some guy, and all the times Alina had cried at their houses because of things her mother had done. It made Emily's blood boil.

When they pulled up to the house, they saw the door was cracked open. Emily and Sarah were filled with worry as they ran upstairs to find her room nearly empty. Everything was gone except her clothes, laptop, and a few photos of the three girls.

Emily took a look around and saw Alina's cracked phone on the floor. She walked back to Sarah a scrolled through it.

"You do not have the requirements to pass your Junior year."

"Did you get pregnant?"

"Lol your so pregnant"

"There is a rumor at school that your pregnant"

"Oh my God... it looks like she called Tom and left," Sarah said.

Emily turned to walk to Alina's mom room. She freaked out when she got there at what she saw. Alina's hair was all over the floor, and the room reeked with the smell of bleach. The sink had red hair dye all over and in it. Alina's mom must've redone her hair...

"Should we report this to the cops?" Emily asked.

"No, they won't do anything, and she left on her own terms. She's probably just meeting Tom or something." Sarah started down the stairs.

"Come on, I'll dive you to Shawn's." Emily grabbed Sarah's hand and they walked out to the car.


When they got there, Emily warned Shawn.

"If you do anything to Sarah, one step out of line, I'll kill you, I will slice you up into such tiny pieces that magic won't even be able to find you."

"Emily, I won't do anything."

"Good." Emily walked out, leaving the two love birds to their business.

When she got outside, it was raining again. Emily's parents had sold their old house and she didn't have a car, so she walked to the park that she spent most of her time. Every time she took a step was all she could hear.




Each step grew louder and louder until she finally got to the park and sat on the bench that was so familiar. She had had enough. She tugged at her hair in frustration, gritting her teeth to keep her from shouting, but it wasn't enough. She leaped up from the bench.

"I'M A FUCKING WITCH!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"I would have used the term bitch." Emily turn around to see a unfamiliar man that looked about her age.

"Excuse me?" she said in a threatening tone.

"This is what Meg wants." He was suddenly at her side as he grabbed her arm and started to take her magic.

Emily felt herself being pushed back, and she looked to see Nate. He was fighting the man, punching him right in the face. The guy grunted and grabbed his contorted nose before he disappeared in a green smoke.

"Oh my God, are you ok? Why'd you run out like that?" Nate was still in the same suit as before, but it was soaking wet from the rain.

Emily burst out laughing as Nate looked at her.

"I'm sorry I just- I've kinda already lived through this."

"In your-"

"Yes, Nate," Emily's smile quickly faded as she remembered the last thing in her dream world. "But I- I died." She sat on the park bench.

Oh my god... I died.

Her thoughts were interrupted. "I won't let that happen." He put his arm around her.

Emily looked to the ground and started to tear up.


Emily had decided to stay with Nate even through he had offered to have her stay at a hotel. She felt more comfortable at Nate's.

It was 8 am and Emily was sitting and drinking her juice when Nate came in.

"Hello." He was in a new suit.

"Be right back, I'm going to go get the newspaper." Emily walked to the door and got the paper from the hallway.

' New CEO falls for a girl from the hospital. '

What a weird title.

Emily opened the papers to see who it was. Her mouth dropped when she saw photos of Nate carrying her when she was just getting out of the hospital and them at the park.

The new CEO of the Vance's family business has seemed to take quite an interest in this mysterious girl. After further investigating was have found that she has just gotten out of a 2-year long coma.

"Crap." Emily heard beside her


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