Emily: Part 10

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NOTE (IMPORTANT): Ok, so, our updates have been wacko and I'm so sorry, hopefully you don't get confused, and if you have questions, just DM us :)

"All we need is a little magic," Jess said with a devilish grin.  Suddenly Emily felt her whole body burn as she yelled for help.

"Emily snap out of it!" Nate yelled as Emily woke up.

Emily had been sleeping in Nate's room. She slept on the bed and he slept on the couch. He was so stubborn that he would not let her sleep on the couch.

"Yes. Yes- I uh-" Emily grabbed his forearms to steady herself.

"Ok that's it- your going!" Nate said.

"I'm not going to therapy, so stop bugging me about it."

"Emily, you need help."

"No I don't! I need for you to stop." Emily could feel herself heat up and the energy run through his veins. Suddenly something shot at her- not Nate. Her arm bled as she looked at it stunned.

"Emily! Why would you-"

"Stop Nate- I can't deal with this. Where're the bandages?"

Nate left the room and came back with a first aid kit. He wrapped cut the silence before speaking up.  "I'm worried."

Emily paused. "I don't know how I got my emotions back, but I did, and they're here to stay."

"You're so damn stubborn," Nate said under his breath.

"Says the guy who's sister killed their da-" Emily stopped herself and looked down and Nate, she had struck a nerve. Nate rushed out of the room, and Emily frantically chased after him. When Emily got to where he was, Nate was already dressed and about to leave.

"Nate, I'm so sorry, please don't leave!" Emily grabbed his arm and felt her hands warm up.

"I'm going, and don't try to stop me," Nate threatened.

With that Nate had slammed the door in her face. Emily walked to the couch sat down.

"Nate..." she muttered, and let herself collapse onto the soft blue couch. Tears of guilt rolled down her face, and continued at that for hours before a knock came at the door. Emily leaped up in excitement and ran to the door. She put a sincere smile on, wiped the tears from her eyes, and opened the door. She gasped in surprise. Nate was being held up by Jess, his head lolling in unconsciousness.

"Guess he can't protect you now," Jess said devilishly and she threw Nate to the ground. He crumpled in the corner. Emily scowled.

"You!" she shouted. She waved her hands as she backed away from the door.

Emily backed further away and started throwing magic spells at Jess, but she merely just siphoned them. "Screw this." Emily grabbed a chair and threw it at her with magic, but the chair broke against the wall behind her.

"Magic can't help you."

Emily broke a different chair against the ground the picked up one of the legs. She walked towards Jess and readjusted her grip before lunging towards her. Emily was on top of Jess as the two girls fought viciously. Emily held her down and was about to kill her, but then looked to Nate.

I can't kill his sister.

Emily instead decided to punch Jess in the face, leaving her unconscious on the floor. She stood up, grabbed the phone, and dialed 911.

"Hello? There's been a home invasion..."


"Yes, she came in here, knocked out my boyfriend, then we fought and I knocked her out... out of self defense," Emily told the police.

She looked over to Nate, who was being checked out by the paramedics. However, he kept on putting out his hands to motion for the lady to leave him alone. He was so stubborn.

"Well, she is in our custody, so there shouldn't be anything to worry about." The cop clicked his pen and walked off.

Emily stood up and walked over to Nate, they were still in the house so she only moved across the room.

"Nathanael," Emily smiled.

"Emilia- wait how do you know m-?"

"Dream world," Emily tried to joke. "So where'd you go... after our little... fight?"

"I went to see Shawn." Emily turned in surprise, Nate and Shawn were enemies in her dream world. They hated each other.

"Oh, ok."

There was silence.

"Is this going to be on the news?" Emily turned to Nate again.

"Yep," he looked to the floor and avoided eye contact.

"Great," Emily said sarcastically.

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