Alina: Part 2

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Note: Hello guys! This is the other friend. I write the non-Emily chapters! I so far have only written about the two cousins, Alina and Sarah, and I write after each Emily chapter. I do have a question for you; who would you like to see a chapter for? Shawn, Nate, Jess, Belle, Meg, you name it, I'll write it! Thanks!

"No! No, no, no, a thousand times no! Emily, stop begging!" Sarah shouted as she tugged Emily off her heels. Emily was thrown back, and Alina held her shoulder back as she went back to Sarah.

"PLEASE!!!" she shouted. Sarah frowned and shook her head.

"Emily, you have no idea how risky something like that is. I mean, removing someone's emotions? And, not only is it incredibly dangerous, but its dark magic. I won't remove your emotions," Sarah said sternly. Emily grunted.

"Come on! If I had my magic under well enough control I'd do it myself, but you're the one who's most skilled here! I need you help, I don't want to feel helpless anymore," Emily said, choking on tears. Sarah sighed.

"Look, Emily, I'm so sorry, but I am not going to be the reason you loose all your human emotions. I won't do it, and that's my final answer," Sarah said. She turned around and marched up the stairs. Emily began to cry. Alina walked around her and looked her in the eye.

"Emily, it's ok. You'll get your anger under control, I'm sure of it. I'll even help you through it in any way I can," Alina told Emily. Emily wiped her eyes and whipped her head up, mischief in her glossy eyes. Alina winced. "Emily, what are you planning?" Alina asked. She knew when her cousin was coming up with a bad plan.

"I can't do the spell, and Sarah refuses to, but maybe you can do the spell," she said. Alina sputtered.

"I-I- Hey, don't drag me into this! Nu-uh, nope," Alina said, waving her hands in denial and turning away from Emily. Emily whined.

"Oh, c'mon, please?" she said. Alina still wouldn't look at her. "I promise to take all the blame if things go wrong," she said. Alina sighed.

"Alright, if you promise you'll take the blame when Sarah gets mad," Alina said. Emily smiled.

"Thank you thank you THANK YOU!" she shouted. Alina hushed her.

"Ok, if we're going to do this, we need to find the book Sarah writes her spells in. I've heard of this spell, it's a ritual. I remember we need something like, oh! A stone, each painted with a face of a different emotion. One need to be joy, sadness, anger, love, fear, and hatred. If you take care of painting the stones, I can get Sarah's book," Alina said. Emily nodded.

"Great! Meet here in ten minutes," Emily said before dashing off. Alina ran up to where Sarah had stormed off to, and found herself in her Aunt Sabrina's room. She gently opened the door to see Sarah, plopped down on the bed, writing in a notebook. Sarah quickly waved her hand over the book, like she was trying to keep the hand motion discrete, and smiled at Alina as she entered.

"Hey, Alina! What's up?" Sarah said, closing the book. Alina smiled.

"Nothing much, you just stormed off down there, I wanted to make sure you were ok," Alina said. Sarah sighed.

"It's just, Emily makes me so angry sometimes!" she shouted, slamming the notebook shut and throwing her arms down in defeat. Alina walked over to the bed Sarah was lazily laying on.

"She just wants to be like you," Alina said. She carefully placed herself on the bed, so she was positioned right in front of the notebook. She sneakily stretched a hand out behind her and placed her fingers over the book. She whispered softly, "Effingo." She felt the book pulse as an exact replica of it appeared next to the original. She kept her hand on the book and whispered another spell. "Peribit," she said softly, and the book disappeared from under her, though she still held it. She smiled.

"I just- she's so stubborn!" Sarah shouted. Alina patted her on the back.

"I know, she can be tricky. I'll just give you some time to cool off," Alina said as she stood up. Sarah took in a deep breath. "Hey, just give me a call if you need anything," Alina said sincerely. Yes, she was stealing from her cousin, but she really did want to be there for her. Sarah smiled.

"Thanks," she said as Alina closed the door behind her. She waved her hand over the book as she dashed down the stairs, and plopped down on the couch as she opened the seemingly normal composition book. The pages were full of math notes, English essays, and chemistry diagrams.

A disguise spell, how clever of her. Alina waved her hand over the book. "Reveles," she whispered. Suddenly, the letters on the page scrambled and her seemingly normal notebook became a scribble of spells, rituals, and chantings. Ha! I knew I learned that spell for a reason! She flipped through the book, which was very neatly organized.

Magic removal? No. Empathy spell? No. Ah ha! Emotion removal! She flipped the page fully. It read:

"ONLY FOR USE IN EMERGENCIES! This spell is not to be taken lightly, for only a powerful counter curse can remove of it, which, if need be, is accessible in the back of the book. History of this spell." Alina quickly read through to get to the part she needed. She found the ritual right as Emily burst through the door, hands dyed with paint.

"I painted the rocks," she said as she walked over to Alina. Alina smiled, and waved the notebook high in the air.

"I got the spell book," she said. Emily smiled.

"Great! Let's do this!"

Emily and Alina got set up for the spell, placing the six stones in a circle and the anger one on a podium, since that was her strongest emotion. Then Alina performed the steps on the page.

"You need to stand still the whole time, ok?" Alina said as Emily stood impatiently in the center of the ring of stones. Emily nodded her head. "Ok then, wish me luck," Alina said.

She closed her eyes and held her hands out to her sides. Alina saw the six pebbles light up, filling the closed vision of her eyes with bright light. She spoke the spell that the page had required.

"With laughter of children joy fills our heads.
With the sadness of loss, the tears we shed.
The anger hot with fire, with sins we said.
With fear in our minds, with caution we tread.
With hearts that skip a beat, and cheeks rosy red.
With the hatred of others, that fills one with dread.
With darkness shadow spreads to engulf light,
The heart's soul will no longer be bright.
I speak these words for there's no other choice.
From your soul I take, so emotionless voice."

Alina opened her eyes to stare at Emily, who looked dull, like all the life was sucked from her gray skin and empty blue eyes. Each stone from the circle, glowing their colors, was dulling in their magic as the ritual ended. Alina smiled. Emily stepped out of the circle, but the circle hadn't finished dulling in the magic.

"NO! EMILY, THE SPELL'S NOT-" Alina fell back as a bright yellow light from the joy stone shot out, hitting Emily in the chest.

"Ack!" Emily shouted as she fell over, landing on the rug by the table.

"Emily! Are you ok?" Alina shouted, dashing over to her cousin's side. Emily leaped up, the most unnatural smile on her face.

"I FEEL GREAT! DON'T YOU? AREN'T YOU HAPPY? I'M SO HAPPY!" she shouted. Alina gasped.

"Emily? Are you ok?" Alina asked. Emily started bouncing up and down.

"MY HEART FEELS LIKE SUGAR! I COULD BOUNCE FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER!" Emily screamed. Alina placed her hand over Emily's mouth.

"Shh! Oh, no! Rather than taking away your emotions, I took away all of them but joy! I have to fix this or Sarah's gonna hear!" Alina whispered loudly. Alina heard thuds coming from the stairs as Sarah came dashing down.

"Hear what?" she asked. Emily leaped out from Alina's arms.

"AREN'T YOU JUST SO HAPPY!" she shouted. Sarah gave Alina a look of death.

"You did the spell," she said. Alina nodded. "Did you finish it?" Sarah asked. Alina shook her head no. "And now Emily's..."


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