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Hello! Of course, this is Sarah/Alina, and now, Shawn! I decided to add another character to change it up a bit. I hope you enjoy this chapter! There are some big changes ahead!

"Man, two years, huh?" Shawn asked as he sat on his usual swivel chair next to Sarah. Nate laughed.

"Feels like so much longer, doesn't it?" Nate replied with a small laugh. He took Emily's limp hand.

"It's taken a lot of effort to keep them here," Shawn said. "But at least the doctors say they keep their vitals up on their own, so they don't need those machines," Shawn said.

The machine kept droning on its steady beep that matched Sarah's heartbeat. The white hospital room glistened with the afternoon light that shone through the open window. All three of the girls lied on three beds, there eyes closed like they were sleeping in their coma. Nate's eyes went teary.

"I just, I can't believe I did that," he said, a tear falling off his face and landing in Emily's hand. Shawn pushed off the wall so his chair skidded over to Nate. He put a hand on his shoulder.

"If it makes you feel any better, I would've done the same if I saw my sister getting attacked," Shawn said. Nate just teared up more.

"But it wasn't right. I should've stopped when I saw I was hurting her," he said. Shawn sighed.

"The doctors think they'll wake up... someday," Shawn said. Nate sputtered and cried. "Hey, it's ok," Shawn said. He didn't do well when people cried. Suddenly, the heartbeat monitor sped up.

"What?" Nate said, wiping the tears from his eyes. Shawn quickly pushed back off the wall, speeding away and crashing into the wall on the other side of the room near Sarah, but he didn't care. He stared up at her heartbeat monitor, which jumped around wildly as her heart sped up. He cried a little. What's happening?

"NURSE!" Shawn screamed, taking Sarah's hand. "It's going to be ok," he said, brushing her hair back. Suddenly, a bright yellow glow came from Emily's chest, lighting up the room even more. A light, blue in color, began to shine from Sarah, and a purple one from Alina.

It was then, right then, that made Shawn the happiest he had ever been. Sarah's mouth opened as she took a gulp of breath. Her eyes shot open, and her heartbeat monitor slowed. She sat up on her bed. Shawn cried.

"Oh my Lord," he said, staring at Sarah. She looked around frantically in fear. She smiled a huge smile when she saw Shawn.

"Shawn... YOU'RE BACK!" she screamed, hugging Shawn. Shawn cried as he hugged her.

"I've missed you..." he said. Sarah laughed as the tears rolled down Shawn's back.

"Me too," she said. They heard Nate crying and turned to see Nate, kissing Emily as she sat up in bed. Shawn turned back to Sarah.

"Our turn?" he asked, hoping for a kiss. Sarah laughed.

"I thought we were just going to be friends," she said. Shawn cocked his head in confusion.

"What?" he asked, but the door swung over before Sarah could explain.

"What's wrong? Oh, welcome back," the tall, dark nurse said as she entered the room. Alina sat up.

"Why am I in a hospital bed?" she asked. The nurse sighed.

"Yes, I was afraid of this," the nurse said. Shawn stood up and walked over to the nurse.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Well, the doctor noticed that their brain activity was surprisingly high after they lost consciousness two years ago. We assumed that, in their heads, life went on. They don't know that they were unconscious. Their dreams were their realities," she said. Shawn frowned and looked back at the girls, all standing up from their beds and hugging. Nate walked over to the nurse.

"Emily thinks I'm her fiancé, what's happening?" he asked. The nurse and Shawn sighed.

The nurse explained to Nate what had happened, and pulled the girls away to take some tests. In a few short hours. Sarah was released from the hospital. Shawn smiled as the nurse walked out the door.

"Sarah's fine, a little dehydrated and famished, but fine. You're ok to take her out now," the nurse said as Sarah walked out, wearing a simple blue shirt and jeans. Shawn smiled.

"Thank you," Shawn said. He escorted Sarah out from the hospital.

"I'm glad to see you here and all, but why'd you come back? What about Harvard?" she asked. Shawn sighed.

"Yeah, the nurse asked me to explain this to you," Shawn said. Sarah cocked her head. "That world you were living, it was just a dream," he said, pained to break her heart, and when he looked at her face it looked like her reality had just shattered.

"Wh-what?" she asked, stuttered with tears.

"Yeah, um, you've been in a coma for two years," he said.

"The doctor told me that..." Sarah said. "But you mean that world I was living, it wasn't real?" she asked. Shawn nodded his head as he opened the door to his car. She stepped inside, and Shawn started to drive off to a place he knew she felt comfortable.

They talked all the car ride over to the park. When they got to the park, Sarah had taken everything in, and they kept talking about the other world.

"Ok, let me make sure I've got this straight. I went unconscious at the dance," she said. Shawn nodded. " I didn't wake up the next day." Shawn nodded. "I didn't get my high school diploma, and I wasn't valedictorian. You and I, we never broke up when I decided to go to Stanford instead of Harvard, and I didn't decide that I was going to major in creative writing," she said. Shawn patted her on the shoulder.

"In this world, you missed your graduation, and I, well, I didn't go to college," he said. Sarah gave him a look of shock.

"You didn't tell me that!" Sarah said. Shawn sadly nodded. "Why not? Did Harvard not accept you or something?" she asked. Shawn shook his head.

"No, that's not it at all. You see, when you and your cousins went into the coma, the doctors said your medical plan only covered a few months on the machines. So, me and Nate decided to use the money in our college savings accounts to keep you on for a few more months. It ended up using all our funds, but I'm glad I did it. I couldn't imagine a life without you," he said. Sarah looked shocked.

"I, I can't believe you did that for me," she said. Shawn smiled.

"Well, I mean, when you entered the coma, I tried to see other people, but I could only think about you. I couldn't get you off my mind. I think I fell in love," he said. Sarah smiled.

"I think I did too."

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