Sarah: Part 5

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"Ugh..." Sarah said groggily, rubbing her aching head.  She slowly opened her eyes, the world blurring into clarity around her.  She saw the shredded sofa, a destroyed table, and the T.V had fallen, though miraculously landed in one of the pillows.  What happened?  Where's Shawn? 

Sarah grabbed the edge of the couch and pulled herself up, wobbling as she walked forward.  She looked around, and saw Shawn laying in the corner, body slumped over.  She dashed over to him.

"Shawn!  Shawn, are you ok?  Oh God!" Sarah exclaimed as she fell to her knees by his side.  He began to groan in the same tired manner.

"Uck..." he said, his eyes slowly opening.  Sarah smiled.

"Oh, thank God you're alright!" Sarah said, hugging him around the neck.  Shawn winced in pain.

"Ow, owow," he said.  Sarah released.

"Sorry." She grabbed Shawn's shoulder and helped him stand up.

"What happened?" he asked, barely catching himself on his own two feet.  Sarah shook her head.

"No idea, last thing I remember is Nate, coming over in a super hurry," Sarah said.

"Well, and then his sister walked in," he said.  Sarah gasped.

"That little- her!  She must've been the one who attacked us!" Sarah exclaimed.  Shawn cocked his head.

"Well, I mean, I know that Meg is pretty bad, but Jess?  She always seemed like a sweetheart to me, she even came to visit you guys in the hospital.

"Dang, she must've cast a location spell on us," Sarah said.  Shawn only seemed more confused by this statement.

"Sarah, what the heck is going on?  What's a location spell?  Why would she hurt us?" he asked.  Sarah pondered an answer for all of his questions.

"Jess, Meg, and Belle, you remember them all from school, right?  They're magic-users, like us.  They want our magic.  But my question is, why are you still hurting?  If she attacked us with magic, and if I remember right she did, then it wouldn't have any residual pain affects on you..."

"But my back hurts so much..." he said, rubbing just below his shoulder.

"Lemme see," Sarah said.  Shawn turned around and pulled his shirt down, just enough for Sarah to see the very thing she worried about.  A bulbous glowing blue scar was gashed across his body, and the area around it sparked with dark flakes.  Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Shawn, we have to go."  Sarah grabbed his arm and began to run out of the room.  He held her back.

"Sarah, what's up?" he asked.  Sarah whipped around.

"There's no time," Sarah said.  He put on a stern look and held her so tight it was practically like she was on a leash.

"Tell me, or I'm not leaving the apartment," he said.  Sarah felt the tears begin to roll down her cheeks.

"Shawn, we're leaving now."


"Why won't you just listen to me?!?" she exclaimed.

"Because I feel like you're treating me like an idiot who doesn't know magic. Tell me what's going on, and I'll leave." Sarah sighed, and began to cry a bit more.

"You're stubborn just like him," she said with a painful smile.  She whipped around to face Shawn.  "You're Spellscarred." 

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