Sarah: Part 2

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"Emily, you need to calm down," Sarah said as Emily paced madly around the room. Emily whirled around to stare Sarah right in the eye, a look of murder on her face.

"You want me to just STAY IN HERE?!?!" she shouted. Sarah drew back in fear and nodded. Emily grunted, like, a wild, heated grunt.

"Emily, until your magic gets under control, you need to stay in here and calm down," Sarah said. Emily took a deep breath in, then it looked like an idea hit her hard in the head.

"Sarah, what if we just... took away my magic?" Emily asked. Sarah sputtered.

"I-how would you-" Sarah spat out. Emily looked Sarah in the eye.

"Sarah, I know you know how to do it," Emily said, gesturing to the jar standing on the stool a little ways away. "It would just be for a little bit, until I can learn to manage my anger," Emily pleaded. Sarah sighed.

"I mean, taking away a little is easy, but a whole reserve of magic, it's a big risk," Sarah warned Emily. She nodded. Sarah sighed.

"Ok, then. I'll tell you the spell." Emily smiled. Sarah took a deep breath in, remembering the long and confusing process it took to remove someone's magic.

"Ok, first, close your eyes," Sarah said. Emily stood where she was and closed her eyes. "Now, go deeper than what's on the outside. Look inside, feel the magic bubbling in your chest, find it deep in your heart." Emily nodded.

"I feel it," she said.

"Now, speak these words, exactly as I do," Sarah said. "I yas eseht sdrow ni esrever, ot odnu ym dirroh esruc. Evomer morf em tahw sah neeb detfig, yam ym esruc eb detfil," Sarah said as Emily mimicked her every word. A swirl of glowing, yellow magic flowed through and out of her body, floating obediently in front of her. Sarah grabbed the glass mason from the chair and ever so slightly twisted it open.

"You know how to do this part," Sarah said. Emily nodded, a tear rolling down her cheek, as she placed the swirling orb into the jar. Sarah quickly sealed it shut. Emily sniffled and wiped her eye.

"There, that should be all of it," Sarah said.  Emily nodded and stifled a cry. Sarah turned toward Emily, giving her a big hug.

"Don't worry, you can get it back whenever you want," Sarah said.  Emily cried a little more.

"I just feel so... empty now," Emily said.  Sarah patted her on the back.

"Yes, that's normal.  You body will adjust to it in a few days." Sarah pulled away from Emily.  "Nate, why don't you go ahead and help Emily to her room," Sarah asked.  Nate nodded, and rushed over to Emily, who wavered tiredly as she stood, and Nate led her up to her room.  Sarah sighed, and turned to Alina, standing silently in the corner, face still a pale green color and hair wildly frizzled.

"Alina," Sarah called out.  Alina jumped back, covering her ears with her hands.

"Ack!  Not so loud," she muttered.  Sarah smirked.

"Hangover any better?" Sarah asked.  Alina shook her head no.  "Go up to Aunt Sabrina's bedroom and take a nap, I'm sure she won't mind," Sarah said.  Alina nodded and trudged up the basement steps.  Sarah turned to look at the jar of Emily's magic.

That's a lot of magic.  If only Emily could control it all, she might be the strongest witch in the family. Sarah slowly walked towards the glass mason full of glittering yellow magic.  She took a piece of chalk from her bag and began to draw on the floor around the stool the jar stood on.  With each rune she wrote, the circle lit up with blue magic.  Once the circle of elegant runes was written, the whole thing lit up blue as a shining dome of light energy erupted around the stool.  Sarah stood up and tried to stick her hand through the dome.  It shocked her.  She smiled.  Perfect, the protection runes worked.  Sarah smiled proudly and marched up and out of the basement.

The next day at school...

Sarah was scared for her cousins, neither of them showed up that morning on the park bench where they normally met.  Sarah put that thought in the back of her head as she sat down on the school bench, kids madly bustling about in a rush to buy their lunch, or meet up with their friends.  Sarah took a large book from her bag, the cover of the text hidden behind a blue book cover.  She didn't want anyone seeing the title. 

Ever since yesterday, when Emily removed her magic, she'd been studying up on how people could remove magic.  Sarah rubbed her eyes and opened the thick, blue cover. 

She had only gotten a little ways into her reading when a deep voice interrupted her reading.

"Whatcha reading, cutie?" he asked.  Sarah grunted, and turned her head to see Shawn, standing over her.  She sighed.

"Nothing," she said, blocking him out and continuing her reading.  Suddenly, her book left her hands as Shawn ripped it from her grip.  Sarah sputtered in anger.

"Hey!  Give that back!" she shouted, reaching madly for the book.  She began wildly flailing her arms around as Shawn slowly peeled back the blue cover that kept the title hidden.  He looked a little confused by what he found underneath it.

"The Salem Witch Trials?  Now why would a sweet girl like you be reading about this?" he asked, raising the book in the air.  Sarah reached for it madly, but Shawn was much taller than her.  She let out a sigh in failure before answering his question.

"It's for a history project," she said.  Shawn seemed put off by that.

"We have the same history teacher, I don't remember having a project about this," he said.  Sarah grew heated.

"Hey, well maybe-" she stopped for a second.  He's not in my class, how does he know what teacher I have?  "How do you know we have the same history teacher?" I asked.  He drew back.

"Well, sometimes I just-" Sarah cut him off.

"You stalk me!  Stalker!" she shouted, wildly going to hit him.  He shouted above her screams.

"Hey!  Hey, chill out!" he shouted.  "Stalking is such a harsh term!  I prefer... admiring from a distance," he said.  Sarah calmed a little.

"Admiring?" she asked.  Shawn nodded.

"I mean, you're just so amazing.  I mean, look at you, hot and smart?  The perfect girl.  And I just think your so amazing, but you're too caught up in books to even notice a guy like me," he said.  Sarah was gaping.

"I mean, I'm sorry if you find me weird-" Sarah cut him off. 

"No, I don't think you're weird.  Creepy, maybe, a stalker, definitely, but not weird," she said with a playful laugh and smile.  Shawn smiled.

"You know, the winter dance is this Friday, you want to come with me?" he asked.  Sarah smiled.

"I think I'd like that a lot."

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