Kayla: Part 1

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"Hello," Kayla said as she walked into the office. The lady smiled.

"How may I help you?" she asked, pushing her wide blue cat-eye glasses up on her nose. Kayla smiled and showed her a paper.

"I'm here to meet with Principal McMillian, I'm supposed to receive my schedule," she said, and tucked a strand of her messy deep red hair behind her ear. The lady looked the paper over.

"Down the hall, first door on the right," she said with a smile, and pointed to a yellow door down the hall. Kayla smiled.

"Perfect, thank you," she said, and she walked down the hall.

She strolled down the purple-yellow hallway, nervously walking to the principal's office. She'd only ever come in to the principal's office for her bad grades, or her disciplinary issues. She took a deep breath before pushing open the door to Mrs. McMillian's office.

A lady sat behind a fine oak desk, filling out some papers. Kayla nervously stepped in. The lady looked up. "Yes?" she asked. Kayla smiled.

"Hi, I'm here to get my schedule," she said, stepping into the room fully. It was neatly organized, but smelled strongly of pungent coffee. She sighed and smiled.

"Ah, yes, Kayla, right?" she asked. Kayla nodded. What a weird thing, to be called by a different name. Just, act like it's your real name... Alina....

"What are your parent's names?" she asked.

"John and Patricia Evans," she said. John and Patricia had no kids, Patricia was her aunt. Mrs. McMillian nodded.

"Can I see your old student ID, Ms. Evans?" she asked. Kayla reached into her pocket and pulled out her ID. It had a picture of her in her new red-hair, blue-glasses look, she had a friend in San Diego who made fake ID's. The principal smiled.

"Great! Welcome to James High, Ms. Evans! We're sure you'll have a blast! Classes start at eight, so make sure you're there on time." Kayla smiled.

"Perfect! Thank you," Kayla said, taking the paper and walking out of the office.

"Go Hornets!" the principal said as she closed the door behind her. Kayla sighed. Now the only problem is going to be responding to my new name!

She stepped out of the office and onto the now busy campus. Students bustled by in their little groups Kayla could easily categorize; the cool girls, the wanna-be's, the nerds, the tech nerds, the band kids, the drama kids, the popular girls, the jocks, everyone seemed so happy. She wondered where she would fit in. She stepped forward, old blue backpack over her shoulder, and walked into the heart of campus.

She looked around the lush, leafy campus. There was an excessive amount of trees and bushes, but she didn't mind so much. She sat down and looked over her schedule.

Heh, same first period as at La Costa High... Ok, so I start with English, per usual, then Math 3.  Then... wait, what!?!  Art!?! They put me in Art!?!  Ugh, anyways, then I have French, then Physics, then History. Ok, good enough.  Just as her thoughts concluded, someone walked over to her.  Kayla rolled her eyes. Ugh, the ASB kids, what do they want?

"Hi! You must be new! Welcome to James High, home of the mighty wasps!  I'm Amanda, and I'm your class president!"  Alina tried so hard to hold back an eye roll, and instead timidly smiled.  She imagined Kayla being the shy new girl.  Pretending to be Kayla was like acting a role in a movie.  You just had to think about what that person would do.  She also nervously fiddled with her glasses before timorously speaking up.

"H-hi, I'm Kayla," she said in an awkwardly high-pitched voice.  Amanda smiled, and so did the two kids behind her.

"Well, you're a wasp now!  Welcome!  This is Jake, V-P of Junior class, and Wess, he's Secretary.  We'll be in the ASB office if you need anything!  It's right over there in the B Building.  Have a great time at school!"  Amanda smiled and waved, and she began to walk away.  Kayla sighed.

Perfect, I don't seem out of place.  Oh, how I miss the party girl I used to be... No! No turning back! You're Kayla now, and Kayla is a serious student who only accepts straight A's!  Keep yourself together, Ali- I mean, Kayla!

Brrrng! The steady drone of the bell hummed across the cold, winter campus, and all the student hopped up and bustled off to their class like soldiers.  Kayla looked down to her paper. 

I have Mrs. Andre first, for English. She tucked her paper in her worn blue backpack, fixed her glasses, and marched off towards her class.

This school was much larger than La Costa High.  The hallways weren't appropriately sized to fit all the students, however, which caused a lot of chaos as she sprinted off to her new class.

Almost there... almost there... UMPH!  Kayla came crashing down to the ground as another student ran right into her.  She quickly grabbed her glasses and looked up to see a boy, hair black as night, staring down at her.  He wore a yellow-purple jacket, and limply carried a book in his hand.

"Hey, watch where you're-" he stopped himself and looked Kayla over, basically from head to bust and back.  "Oh, man!  Gee, I'm sorry!" he said.  He lowered a hand to help her up, but she grunted and ignored his gesture.  She's met jerks like him, only wanted a girl because she was pretty.  She stood up on her own and pushed him away.

"I'm fine, thanks," she said, and she marched off towards class.  He sprinted after her.

"Woah, chill out, it was an accident," he said.  She whirled around.  This was exactly how she met Tom...

"I've met so many jerks like you, who just want a girl 'cause you think they're hot!  You don't even care, just go find another girl, if that's all you want, I'm sure there's one right down the hall."  She turned and continued storming off.  He shouted after her.

"That's rude!  You don't know what my motives are!"  Kayla kept walking away.  "Fine!  If you won't come to me, I'll have to coax you over!  I'll show you!  I'll woo you over so hard, you won't know what hit you!"  He turned away and stormed off.  Kayla scoffed and walked into her class.

She stepped in and ignored all the stares from students as she took a seat in the back of the class.  She just patiently waited for the teacher to come in, resisting the urge to go on her phone.  Soon, a girl walked in, dirty blonde hair pulled back into a bun.  She set a binder down and faced the class, taking a whiteboard marker in her hand. Why does she look familiar...

"Hello, class!  My name is Ms. Monroe, and I'll be substituting for Mrs. Andre today."  Kayla jolted her head up and gasped.

Monroe... That's Belle!

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